Sharing Recipes-3

More recipes from my old (1968) cookbook find-yes, at a thrift shop!

Tuna Casserole

Okay, who did not have Tuna Casserole at least once a week in college, or am I really dating myself??

  1. 1 can of tuna-These days I use water packed, chunk. (Drained)
  2. 1 can of mushroom soup-Branch out if you dare: cream of broccoli, potato, or if you eat meat, cream of chicken!
  3. 1/2 of the soup can filled with milk. I do not use the whole can as the recipe calls for, I like mine a bit thicker. Use your own taste buds for this.
  4. 1 box pasta swirls-We used whatever pasta was on sale when I went to college. Don’t use too much pasta though.
  5. 2 cups grated cheese. I like cheddar. (Use less cheese if you want/or no cheese)
  6. Some people like to add peas or some other veggie to this recipe, I do not. A tuna casserole is a carb bomb. Let it be!
  7. Potato chips-Or any cracker you like, but remember that potato chips are the classic.

Cook pasta and add everything else except cheese and chips. Sprinkle with cheese and potato chips. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Some days you just……

Yes, there are days. There are days when you just can’t make it to the gym. There are days when no one phones you and you don’t phone anyone. No emails! Maybe a text but you lost it? Someone on Facebook has unfriended you. It is raining and I mean raining hard! Okay, we have all had those days and in these times, we are going to have perhaps many more of them. Don’t let this happen. I have this list posted on my bathroom mirror and I am sharing it with YOU.

  1. Do (Make up your own-I did) an exercise routine. I do 5 minutes every morning. It doesn’t seem like much, but it starts my day.
  2. Drink a glass of water then have coffee.
  3. Get dressed and eat something for breakfast-something with protein.
  4. Do a 10 minute house tidy and a 10 minute yard job. If the weather is just too awful, do that job in the garage and don’t tell me you don’t have 10 minutes of garage stuff to do.
  5. Walk-even if you walk around your house.
  6. Get/read a newspaper
  7. Work on something-your hobby, Facebook, your email etc.
  8. Make yourself call someone!!
  9. Keep happy music going
  10. Keep your house well lit-windows open if possible, curtains open, etc.

Yes, this is simple, but it works for me. Please give it a try and let me know in the comment section of this blog.

Sharing Recipes-2

Here is another recipe from my old (1968) cookbook assembled by a group of volunteer ladies in Rocky Ridge Maryland.

Hot Crab Dip Casserole

  1. 1/2 pt. sour cream (I used Daisey Lite)
  2. 2 8 oz. packages cream cheese (Again, I use the lite)
  3. 1 Tsp. mustard
  4. A shake of Worcestershire sauce
  5. A shake of garlic powder (Not garlic salt)
  6. A shake of Old Bay seasoning
  7. 4 Tbspns mayo( I like Dukes)
  8. 1/2 cup grated (finely) sharp Cheddar cheese
  9. A little milk to thin if needed.

Beat all ingredients together and top with cheese. Bake at 300 for one hour. Serve with a heavy cracker like Ritz or with toast.

Sharing Recipes-1

Coming up are some recipes from the “gem”of an old cookbook I found at a thrift shop. This old book (1968) has been a blast and is in many ways very contemporary. Try some of these ideas!

Microwave Savory Cauliflower

  1. 1 head of cauliflower
  2. 1/2 cup mayo
  3. 1 Tbls. minced onion-I just chop a green onion
  4. 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard or French mustard
  5. S and P to taste
  6. 1/2 cup grated cheese, I like sharp cheddar

Cut up the cauliflower into bits sized chunks and microwave until medium soft. (Be sure to add a little water. Drain and spread with a mixture of the mayo, mustard, and s and p. Sprinkle with cheese and ZAP until the cheese is melted-about 1 minute. Cover and let stand for a bit before serving.

TIP: Always check what you are using to microwave. Be sure it is microwave safe. Now days almost everything is, but I got caught the other day using some pottery that got so hot I dropped it when I tried to take it out.

Stay tuned for more recipes from the “Sharing Recipes” Cookbook

Skating Uphill

Judith Lawrenson, PINK Magazine, November 2020

 “Okay, so imagine in your mind the words Hunker Down and Rest. Got it? Now imagine those words with a big red line drawn through them!”      The Uphill Skater  As many of you know and I am sure are sick of hearing about, I subscribe to several different magazines. Well, this month and last month almost all of them  are advising what I call shutting down. I mean I am reading this from my very special favorite people Joanna Gaines and Dr. Oz, for heaven’s sake! Be quiet, snug up, curl up by a fire, and on and on. How absolutely depressing. If you think you are going to get that kind of advise here, think again. I am advocating just the opposite.  I love December and Christmas and all that goes with it and I intend to keep as much of it as I can. We had planned a gathering for a group of people at the thrift Shop where we volunteer, but it got canceled. We had two other parties canceled to. Just so you know, I am putting up all of the decorations I had planned to put out anyway. We were the first people in the neighborhood to have our lights up and the day after Thanksgiving we went out and got our tree. BTW, I am wearing my Santa hat instead of one of those grey knit things too. I need to keep my ears warm and this works just fine, thank you very much.  Also, presents are way to special not to do. and speaking of presents, why not try  ETSY this year? Many marginal crafts people and single moms have made ETSY  have made this site fascinating. One of a kind is a great shopping motto this year and on-line shops are a great way to go. Perhaps even better are all of the local shopping locations. We have so many lovely shops that also feature one of a kind items.  Local shop also have on-line shops and isn’t it fun to get stuff in the mail? Go out and have a look around. (Wear your mask, of course)  If you are home, DO NOT sit in front of the TV! I love to cook and I also really like to try new things. On my blog ( I have one month of recipes and many four ingredient recipes and lots of good food tips. Give it a try and while you are at it, try some other blogs of better yet, try doing a blog yourself. If you are not in to that sort of thing, try keeping a journal. I find this gets me up and going just so I do not look boring to myself in my journal. Who wants to read that blank page of last Tuesday when I sat and did nothing all day??  Some people “food journal” and I have tried this several times and had limited success but others swear by it and not only journal their food but add in recipes that have worked. A friend of mine from California actually self-published her food/recipe journal and reuses it and gives copies as gifts. She had a ball doing this. So, maybe try something like this or another new kind of hobby. Learn to knit, crochet, block print, do your own nails, buy a DIY magazine and build something, and on and on. Remember also that reading a good book or better still a group of books in a series is not watching TV. Just as a recommendation, try the Laura Child’s Tea Room mysteries. They are set in Charleston and there are many of them and they are pretty good stories in addition to having all of the settings and landmarks around Charleston. Send for the books (Amazon) don’t use Kindle just because it is fun to get something in the mail. and speaking of that, I am setting up a mail back and forth between my daughter in California and my little grandson here. He is in kindergarten and loves to get something in the mail and my daughter has no family close so she loves hearing from him too. We send something twice a week and she sends about the same.  I have two final suggestions that really work for me. I am into HGTV and decor so I love to do and re-do my stuff. You do not need to paint a wall or wall paper or anything major unless you want to, but just try some new ways to show off your old stuff. I enjoy doing this so much I surprise myself. I put cute settings on my kitchen table with different table cloths and dishes, I move vales of flowers, I put out different holiday stuff, I change pillows around and lots of other stuff. I keep my “house decorations” in a pantry in the kitchen and you would be surprised what you can do over and over again with mostly the same items. When I get tired of that my next favorite is grocery store flowers and plants. So, buy some flowers. buy a plant. Enjoy. Last but not least, I feel like I give this advice every month, but it is so worth repeating. Walk! It is free, healthy, social if you want it to be, a feel good rush, a way to get out of the house, good for your dog who will love you even more if you take him for a walk, and many other things I can’t think of right now. Don’t give up, don’t stay home, wear your mask, and keep your chins up. We are better than all of this!  Love, Judith  

Skating Uphill


Judith Lawrenson/Pink Magazine October, 2020

  Things change-Okay? Get Used To It!

    The Uphill skater I have been talking about emotional, physical, and mental health for quite a number of years now and you might think that those things would be pretty constant, wouldn’t you? I mean good eats are good eats, right? Also, if you are on the ball and can do a cross word puzzle you are pretty okay. If you don’t cry at the drop of a hat and you aren’t hoarding automatic weapons you should be pretty stable too, yes? Well, I guess not so much, you guys. First of all, food advice seems to change regularly with each book someone puts out or every time Dr. Oz appears on the cover of a magazine-and we all know from standing in line at the grocery how often we see him on the cover of whatever! Spinach used to be really great for you but oh, now it has too much acid. Oranges are all right, but watch the acid. An apple a day used to keep the Dr. away, but now it has to be an organic apple that was grown on a sustainable tree. I grew up on a farm and we ate eggs. Now yo can buy so many different kinds of “eggs” that it boggles the mind. Cage free, gently raised, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, more vitamins, and on and on. Honestly, and you know this, eggs range in price from 88 cents a dozen to over five dollars-who knew? I think not the chickens so much, but the chicken farmers maybe?? All of this and much more make writing a column about food quite a challenge. On the other hand, mental illness and things like depression have not changed at all, right? Well, wrong again. Behaviors that were once considered outlandish are somehow some kind of new normal. I know I am old-fashioned, but setting buildings and businesses on fire and pulling statues of George Washington over in parks seems a bit bizarre to me as a way to show displeasure with politics, but I guess that’s just because I don’t get it-I am also not quite sure what it is that I don’t get. At a different level though and not kidding around any more, mental illness and associated conditions have made great leaps and bounds. No longer is the subject taboo and not up for discussion. Depression is acknowledged as a real condition, not just being sad. New drugs have literally changed people’s lives for the better. We can talk about it now too. Autism, learning disabilities, and even abhorrent behaviors are dealt with in very open ways, thank God. Gender issues are also pretty open for discussion and differences of all types are much more tolerated Again, keeping up with all of this is quite a task. We used to say that when you felt downhearted you should take a shower, wash your hair, and clean the house. Go our and get a perm. Go to the movies. Bad advice for those who really do suffer from depression. Talk to someone yo trust and seek professional help is much better advice and shows a degree of caring that I hope we can all support.  We have talked about food and the many food changes and the multitude of mental health issues that have been readdressed and redefined based on the growth of scientific knowledge, so now let’s talk a bit about physical health. Either you are sick or you are well. Is that right. Well, yes and no. Leave it to me to give those really clear answers! Well, as we all know, health and health issues have changed drastically and I don’t mean Covid. I mean the multitude of advances in preventative medicine. To my mind, this is the real leap in medical advances. How do you prevent someone from getting something? No, no, not how do you treat an illness. I know that is also important, but what if you never had to be sick in the first place? Preventative medicine, yes and vaccines too, have saved countless lives and improved the quality of life for countless others. This all relates back as you can see. To eat well and keep your mind sharp and to keep yourself healthy is not a cure all, but but, it sure is close.  Obviously I am not a Doctor, but I read everything I can get my hands on and I’ll tell you what, keeping healthy is not all that hard. It is also not that expensive. First of all, walk. That is free. I have a cheap Walmart Fitbit and I do my 10,000 per day. Keep your weight within reason. That is the new thought by the way. Not to look at your scale regularly for just that right weight, but to be sure you can button your pants without lying down n the bed, your blood pressure is good, and eat well. I am not going to list all of the good foods this time. Maybe next month, but you already know that fudge is not on the list and lettuce is, right?  So my point is that while so many things change, there are constants. PINK has been an advocate for  woman’s rights for many years and continues to be so. Pink also follows trends and reports on women who are unique in their own way. Pink does not judge. People, not just women, need to do the same-keep up with information. Form your own opinions. Stand tall. Love, Judith 

Just Do It!

This is the moto of some athletic shoe company whose name escapes me at the moment but I am using it anyway. We are currently confined to some degree or another depending on where we live. We are unable to live our lives as we would chose. I an going out when safe, having people in when safe, and wearing a mask when I go out.

I am also not giving in to all of this. I am better than that and so are you. My current way to stay sort of sane is to go outside and walk as much as I can, go to my gym while it is still open, do what I can at church, and get a hobby. Why don’t you do that too? Think of something you may have always wanted to do and Just Do It.

List of Lame Suggestions

  1. Jigsaw puzzles
  2. Reading
  3. Knit, crochet, sew, embroider etc.
  4. Make jewelry
  5. Do a blog-Hmmm, sounds like a good idea to me!
  6. Cook
  7. Volunteer
  8. Write letters (This is actually great fun and yes, people actually write you back!
  9. Call someone
  10. Re-do your house-clean your house . Yes, again!

Good Times/Bad Times

Since May, I have had, just like everybody else I imagine, some good days, some bad days, some really bad days, some ok days and yes, some really great days. In spite of everything, I have actually had some quite super days. When I start to feel down, I try to look back to those days and remember what made them so super. So, here are some shared tips for bringing ourselves UP and not letting the really bad days win.

  1. Get up and take a shower, get dressed, and have a cup of something and eat a little breakfast even if you are not “hungry.”
  2. Do some stretch exercises just for 5 minutes.
  3. Go for a walk, go to the gym, just get outside. Yes, even if it is really cold, put on whatever you need and go out even if it is just for 15 minutes.
  4. Do a 10 minute house job and a 10 minute yard job.
  5. Work on you hobby-If you don’t have a hobby, GET ONE!
  6. Call someone. Make it a point to chat with another grown up even for just a few minutes.
  7. Read the paper.
  8. Read one of “your” books. I read books in a series and I like murder mysteries Agatha Christie style.
  9. Re-arrange some stuff in your house just for fun.
  10. Cook/bake something

Sharing Recipes

Well, friends I have just come across, for $5.95 believe it or not, one of those old “gem” cookbooks. I found it in a thrift store and, I might tell you, this is one of the BIG reasons I go thrift store shopping. It was published in 1968 by a woman’s club in a small town in Maryland and it is titled “Sharing Recipes.” I will be doing just that in recipes to come. I just love this old book, and I hope you will love and use some of the recipes too. BTW-easy to modify for vegetarian or pesceterian.

Four Ingredient Recipes

Vegetable Tacos

Vegetable tacos are so easy, yummy, and versatile. What a great way to clean out your fridge and have a super meal. BTW-Just add ground beef, shredded pork, or chicken and this becomes a great meal for those of you who eat meat. Pescatarians: add a little salmon.

  1. Taco shell-For tacos I like the small round flour tortillas but this recipe works for burritos too and that opens tons of kinds of tortillas.
  2. Any or all veggie fillings: Corn, squash, onion, cauliflower, shredded carrots or cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli, shredded zucchini, and I could go on and on, and so can YOU! (Cooked or raw)
  3. Again, your choice: rice, black beans, refried beans, lentils, veggie ground beef, Spanish rice, and on and on.
  4. Condiments-This is up to you also, and optional but I like to put out guacamole, salsa, chopped tomato, and lettuce.

All of this is VERY easy and takes no more than a few minutes. Taco, burrito, even quesadilla!! I use some variation of this once a week and have never had a complaint. Give this a try.