Category Archives: Life Scenes

Because It’s Summertime!

Yes, I plant lots of petunias every summer. They are so beautiful. They thrive, grow and spread. I buy many different colors and where I live in West Virginia the Lowes has the most healthy plants. I buy them by the six pack and they are very inexpensive. They are in my front yard, around my trees, and in the flower boxes on my back deck.

Do try petunias if they work in your climate zone. Do it just because it’s SUMMERTIME!

Eye Of The Beholder?

I love that beauty can come in any form. Flowers are lovely always. Winnie the Pooh is sweet and soft and warm. Scenery is calm and peaceful.

My favorite thing of beauty is often just the right spoken word to make one feel at peace with everything. Pooh Bear has a gift for that. For example:

“You are braver than you know.”

I think this gives one the power to face situations with courage. Sometimes we do not know how brave we actually are until something happens, do we?

Pooh has so many quotes that I absolutely love. I will continue to share them as our summer goes on. BTW one of the things that I really love is SUMMER!

Can We Spring Into Summer Yet?

Pretty soon, dear friends, it will be time for JELL-O with cottage cheese, green JELL-O, and all sorts of other yummy outdoor desserts. I love lemon aid with frozen strawberries used as ice cubes. I also really love any frozen dessert, and don’t forget sweet tea you guys from the South. Sweet tea rules in the summer right along with white bread tomato sandwiches! What are some of YOUR summer favorites?

It’s So Very Easy!

I love to just put things together differently. I move settings around in my house. I buy grocery store flowers or silk plants and mix, match, and don’t match. Have a good look at your stuff and then create something unique!

So Much Beauty!

I know that it is expensive to send flowers, so how about just a grocery store bouquet once in a while to say “I Love You?” That sure does it for me.

Another beautiful thing to do for someone? Why not take a minute and send a card? I really enjoy something in the mail besides an advertisement or a bill, don’t you? Well, if you like it, maybe someone else would too. I often think of things that way. Anyway, my church friend Patty is the queen of sending really thoughtful cards, and she has got me doing it too. Maybe if YOU do it too, we will catch on.