Can we agree to make 2023 a clean slate-Let’s Hope So!
I get that blog comments stay up forever and become not so timely, and I also get that Happy New Year is a bit corny, but 2022 was not a particularly great time for many people in many places and so I am putting this wish out there for all of us to give a bit of thought. What can we do to make things better? Okay, so here is my take on it.
- In order to do better, you have to BE better.
- Be kind to others-Golden Rule time: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Communicate Better Say what you really mean.
- Remember that you are nice to people not because they are nice, but because YOU are nice.
- A little kindness goes a long way so try “paying it forward” a couple of times and see how it makes you feel. I bought the guy behind me at Wendy’s the other day a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich and he followed me out to the parking lot to thank me and said he could only afford one sandwich and was going to give it to his little boy but with the extra $$$ he bought two. Yes, if you think that made my day, you are right! Do this sometime, please. It is such a feel good sensation. So go forward with JOY into 2023 and pass it around!!!
What will you write on your 2023 blank slate?