Category Archives: Living A Healthy Lifestyle-Published Articles

I write articles for PINK Magazine. This section contains reprints of Healthy Living articles. My articles share tips for living a healthy lifestyle and diet information. I include healthy recipes and weight loss information.

Healthy Seniors

Yes! We are living longer. OOPS-what about quality of life??? Just living longer is NO FUN. The trick is to also be living better. Here are a couple of tips to help Seniors enjoy those “Golden Years.”

Live each moment. Being “Mindful” is a new buzz word but all it actually means is to be where you are and to make the best of it. Protect these times. Slow down and enjoy the walk. Send an email to a grandchild and read and respond to your answer. Look out the window at the day God has given you. Count your blessings starting with the smallest one.

Keep Moving! Walk, jog, stretch, do a video and on and on. I walk my dog every day and he now makes me do it. There sitting at the door with that look on his face, I just can’t say no-and I shouldn’t either. I know that DVD’s are sort of a thing of the past, but I just bought a wonderful stretch DVD with Ann Smith called “Stretching For Seniors” that is a 10 minute exercise in relaxing postures. What a lovely way to wake up in the morning. Do anything. BTW, I go to a gym three days a week!

Have check-ups. I know it is a pain in the behind to go to the Dr. but do it anyway. Even if you do not feel sick, have regular check-ups including blood work. Monitor any on-going conditions, check in with not only your Dr. but your spouse, loved ones, and anybody you interact with regularly. they may notice changes or symptoms you have missed about yourself. Watch weight gain too.

Finally, be sure to sleep. We all know about the eight hours but I recently also read that the strategy of making up sleep is very wrong. If you have a few late nights, don’t go to bed early to try to catch up on sleep. Better idea-take a short nap during the day. Sleep is related to so many health issues that I won’t even go in to it here. Suffice it to say, seven to eight hours is the optimum-Believe it.

So enough preaching. Read this and just think about it for five minutes! The words “Golden Years” should mean YOU!

Seen On A Tee-Shirt

Lately, I have seen soooo many Tee-Shirts with hilarious sayings that I have decided to share. What brought this on? Well, you may ask. This morning my husband and I started to look through one of those catalogues that come in the mail and they had a Tee-Shirt section that had us both in stitches. OK, so we were pretty hard up for a laugh-and who isn’t these days- but honestly, I will share a couple of them and then ask YOU to also share those you think are funny and we will see where we go with this. Thanks in advance for sharing.


Skating Uphill

Judith Lawrenson, PINK Magazine, November 2020

 “Okay, so imagine in your mind the words Hunker Down and Rest. Got it? Now imagine those words with a big red line drawn through them!”      The Uphill Skater  As many of you know and I am sure are sick of hearing about, I subscribe to several different magazines. Well, this month and last month almost all of them  are advising what I call shutting down. I mean I am reading this from my very special favorite people Joanna Gaines and Dr. Oz, for heaven’s sake! Be quiet, snug up, curl up by a fire, and on and on. How absolutely depressing. If you think you are going to get that kind of advise here, think again. I am advocating just the opposite.  I love December and Christmas and all that goes with it and I intend to keep as much of it as I can. We had planned a gathering for a group of people at the thrift Shop where we volunteer, but it got canceled. We had two other parties canceled to. Just so you know, I am putting up all of the decorations I had planned to put out anyway. We were the first people in the neighborhood to have our lights up and the day after Thanksgiving we went out and got our tree. BTW, I am wearing my Santa hat instead of one of those grey knit things too. I need to keep my ears warm and this works just fine, thank you very much.  Also, presents are way to special not to do. and speaking of presents, why not try  ETSY this year? Many marginal crafts people and single moms have made ETSY  have made this site fascinating. One of a kind is a great shopping motto this year and on-line shops are a great way to go. Perhaps even better are all of the local shopping locations. We have so many lovely shops that also feature one of a kind items.  Local shop also have on-line shops and isn’t it fun to get stuff in the mail? Go out and have a look around. (Wear your mask, of course)  If you are home, DO NOT sit in front of the TV! I love to cook and I also really like to try new things. On my blog ( I have one month of recipes and many four ingredient recipes and lots of good food tips. Give it a try and while you are at it, try some other blogs of better yet, try doing a blog yourself. If you are not in to that sort of thing, try keeping a journal. I find this gets me up and going just so I do not look boring to myself in my journal. Who wants to read that blank page of last Tuesday when I sat and did nothing all day??  Some people “food journal” and I have tried this several times and had limited success but others swear by it and not only journal their food but add in recipes that have worked. A friend of mine from California actually self-published her food/recipe journal and reuses it and gives copies as gifts. She had a ball doing this. So, maybe try something like this or another new kind of hobby. Learn to knit, crochet, block print, do your own nails, buy a DIY magazine and build something, and on and on. Remember also that reading a good book or better still a group of books in a series is not watching TV. Just as a recommendation, try the Laura Child’s Tea Room mysteries. They are set in Charleston and there are many of them and they are pretty good stories in addition to having all of the settings and landmarks around Charleston. Send for the books (Amazon) don’t use Kindle just because it is fun to get something in the mail. and speaking of that, I am setting up a mail back and forth between my daughter in California and my little grandson here. He is in kindergarten and loves to get something in the mail and my daughter has no family close so she loves hearing from him too. We send something twice a week and she sends about the same.  I have two final suggestions that really work for me. I am into HGTV and decor so I love to do and re-do my stuff. You do not need to paint a wall or wall paper or anything major unless you want to, but just try some new ways to show off your old stuff. I enjoy doing this so much I surprise myself. I put cute settings on my kitchen table with different table cloths and dishes, I move vales of flowers, I put out different holiday stuff, I change pillows around and lots of other stuff. I keep my “house decorations” in a pantry in the kitchen and you would be surprised what you can do over and over again with mostly the same items. When I get tired of that my next favorite is grocery store flowers and plants. So, buy some flowers. buy a plant. Enjoy. Last but not least, I feel like I give this advice every month, but it is so worth repeating. Walk! It is free, healthy, social if you want it to be, a feel good rush, a way to get out of the house, good for your dog who will love you even more if you take him for a walk, and many other things I can’t think of right now. Don’t give up, don’t stay home, wear your mask, and keep your chins up. We are better than all of this!  Love, Judith  

Skating Uphill


Judith Lawrenson/Pink Magazine October, 2020

  Things change-Okay? Get Used To It!

    The Uphill skater I have been talking about emotional, physical, and mental health for quite a number of years now and you might think that those things would be pretty constant, wouldn’t you? I mean good eats are good eats, right? Also, if you are on the ball and can do a cross word puzzle you are pretty okay. If you don’t cry at the drop of a hat and you aren’t hoarding automatic weapons you should be pretty stable too, yes? Well, I guess not so much, you guys. First of all, food advice seems to change regularly with each book someone puts out or every time Dr. Oz appears on the cover of a magazine-and we all know from standing in line at the grocery how often we see him on the cover of whatever! Spinach used to be really great for you but oh, now it has too much acid. Oranges are all right, but watch the acid. An apple a day used to keep the Dr. away, but now it has to be an organic apple that was grown on a sustainable tree. I grew up on a farm and we ate eggs. Now yo can buy so many different kinds of “eggs” that it boggles the mind. Cage free, gently raised, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, more vitamins, and on and on. Honestly, and you know this, eggs range in price from 88 cents a dozen to over five dollars-who knew? I think not the chickens so much, but the chicken farmers maybe?? All of this and much more make writing a column about food quite a challenge. On the other hand, mental illness and things like depression have not changed at all, right? Well, wrong again. Behaviors that were once considered outlandish are somehow some kind of new normal. I know I am old-fashioned, but setting buildings and businesses on fire and pulling statues of George Washington over in parks seems a bit bizarre to me as a way to show displeasure with politics, but I guess that’s just because I don’t get it-I am also not quite sure what it is that I don’t get. At a different level though and not kidding around any more, mental illness and associated conditions have made great leaps and bounds. No longer is the subject taboo and not up for discussion. Depression is acknowledged as a real condition, not just being sad. New drugs have literally changed people’s lives for the better. We can talk about it now too. Autism, learning disabilities, and even abhorrent behaviors are dealt with in very open ways, thank God. Gender issues are also pretty open for discussion and differences of all types are much more tolerated Again, keeping up with all of this is quite a task. We used to say that when you felt downhearted you should take a shower, wash your hair, and clean the house. Go our and get a perm. Go to the movies. Bad advice for those who really do suffer from depression. Talk to someone yo trust and seek professional help is much better advice and shows a degree of caring that I hope we can all support.  We have talked about food and the many food changes and the multitude of mental health issues that have been readdressed and redefined based on the growth of scientific knowledge, so now let’s talk a bit about physical health. Either you are sick or you are well. Is that right. Well, yes and no. Leave it to me to give those really clear answers! Well, as we all know, health and health issues have changed drastically and I don’t mean Covid. I mean the multitude of advances in preventative medicine. To my mind, this is the real leap in medical advances. How do you prevent someone from getting something? No, no, not how do you treat an illness. I know that is also important, but what if you never had to be sick in the first place? Preventative medicine, yes and vaccines too, have saved countless lives and improved the quality of life for countless others. This all relates back as you can see. To eat well and keep your mind sharp and to keep yourself healthy is not a cure all, but but, it sure is close.  Obviously I am not a Doctor, but I read everything I can get my hands on and I’ll tell you what, keeping healthy is not all that hard. It is also not that expensive. First of all, walk. That is free. I have a cheap Walmart Fitbit and I do my 10,000 per day. Keep your weight within reason. That is the new thought by the way. Not to look at your scale regularly for just that right weight, but to be sure you can button your pants without lying down n the bed, your blood pressure is good, and eat well. I am not going to list all of the good foods this time. Maybe next month, but you already know that fudge is not on the list and lettuce is, right?  So my point is that while so many things change, there are constants. PINK has been an advocate for  woman’s rights for many years and continues to be so. Pink also follows trends and reports on women who are unique in their own way. Pink does not judge. People, not just women, need to do the same-keep up with information. Form your own opinions. Stand tall. Love, Judith 


There seems lately to be a lot written about the term “Mindfulness.” I have read several pieces in Yoga journals, Prevention Magazine and even in Better Homes and Gardens. It makes me feel really deeply happy to see so many meaningful and well written articles about a method of relaxation and well being development that works, is free, and can really create a healthier lifestyle. As you know, this BLOG is titled “Skating Uphill” and sub-titled Living a Healthy Lifestyle and living mindfully is such a big part of that.

Oh, so what does Mindful mean? Well, I will elaborate more on this in future statements, but for all purposes in general, the word Mindful simply means that one lives in their moment. Do not dwell on the past for better or for worse, and do not worry about the future. Breathe, center and be right where you are.


Skating Uphill

By Judith Lawrenson

January Issue 2020

Is there such a word as “unmotivated?” I’m just wondering!

Last year, 2019, was very up and down for me. I do not mean just weight either. A week or so ago I was so unmotivated to look to the future that I took my 2019 resolution lists, yes, lists, and made the 1 into a 2 by putting a little curl on the top and made the 9 into a 0 by filling in the empty space up the side. Can you picture it? It now looks like I have made new resolutions on the 2020 totally unmodified lists. BTW I still have them shamelessly up on my fridge.

Well, times change, and something happened that actually got me motivated-Christmas! I love it and as soon as I went down to the basement to unpack my boxes, the world changed. I put up all of my stuff and loved it then went to California to see my daughter for a week, then came home and slowly over the period of a week, I put things away and had quite a good time doing it. I looked at everything, re-loved it, and saw it into its box. Strangely enough, that got me on the move. I checked out my old resolutions and still liked them so that was good. I figured I could just try it all again. I had stuff on the lists that were good resolutions: write letters, eat less white sugar, call my friends, etc. those are good things, right? So, I just kept them, and I am ultra-motivated to do them. You know what they say about the second time around, right?

Okay, that is one motivation done and I am really happy with that. Happiness means you have picked something good to be motivated about, you know. In fact, I believe that thinking about doing something that will make you happy is the best of all motivators. In truth, why would you not? So, let’s try to recall a happy time, or think about a new thing that we have seen or read about that perhaps is going to move the “happy bar.” I love to cook and take several cooking magazines and I am going to try to try something our of each one at least once a week. I do not think that sounds hard since I am always trying to think of something new to have. I always check for exotic ingredients first lest I get stuck in the middle or the recipe contains something expensive that the recipe needs ½ teaspoon of and I will never use it again. That criteria dealt with, sets give some new food a try. Motivation? Sure, eating pleasure and perhaps even compliments. I love compliments and consider them to be right up there with my top motivators.

This next one is one of those “If you can afford it” ideas. How about a little trip? It is pretty cold and ugly here in January so I was thinking a small cruise? You can actually go on week-end cruises for a smaller price than you would think. If you do not like to cruise, how about just a getaway? Sometimes one night in a hotel with a pool and spa can do wonders for your outlook. Other outlook improvers that can push that motivation button are very simple. Shop a little. I do not mean for clothing, I mean for a feel good thing. Giving of yourself can bring not just a good feeling, but actual JOY! Help someone, pet a dog, or better yet adopt one, do anything that makes you feel that you have given yourself a forward push and that it felt so good you want to do it again.

My greatest motivator is a very selfish one. I am in to my very own personal health and wellbeing.  I feel sometimes that I am getting pretty old and those numbers are looking me stone cold in the eye. On the other hand, I don’t feel that I am done yet if you get what I mean. I can only go on to do more of the things that I want to do if I am fit and well enough to do them. I make myself go to the Dr. and get that flu shot and mammogram and talk about preventative medicine. I exercise and watch my weight. Perhaps that is my biggest battle, but not being able to breathe in my jeans for a whole day or having to lie on my back to zip up a pair of pants can motivate the hell out of both you and me!

Motivation is a funny, and very personal emotion. Sometimes it lasts and sometimes not, but if it is something that becomes a part of your life and value system, your original effort will be well worth it-I promise!

Be The Change

Skating Uphill
Judith Lawrenson
December Issue

You know that the whole quote is “Be the change you want to see in the world,” which actually makes it MUCH harder!

The Uphill Skater

Honestly, Elizabeth Millen our darling editor/publisher comes up with the best themes for PINK. What a challenge to actually bring home something as broad yet right to the point as one person making a change in the world and, whoa, having that person perhaps be YOU!!!

I am just kidding-I can think of many ways we can make meaningful changes in our surroundings and if we look at the small view of say writing a check to an organization even that has its place in betterment. As you sit and read this article, look at yourself-actually see yourself. Are you thinking that there is not much just little you can do to make a dent in the big wide world? Think again.

Do you have an extra pocket book or two floating around your closet? Go down to the Dollar Store or Wal-Mart and buy some feminine hygiene items, a wash cloth, a pair of socks, some lipstick, a pair of underpants and a t-shirt, and stuff like that. Add a $5 certificate for a fast food restaurant and give it to a homeless woman. If you can’t find one, go to your local shelter or better yet, go to a local church that has meals for the homeless. Believe me, you will be shocked at how easy it is to find a homeless woman and statistically, she will be over 50. Do you believe that. It makes you want to cry, doesn’t it?
PS-Go in person!

Next, I am asking you to “stand your ground.” You have opinions and emotions and strong feelings about many things. Examine those feelings and think carefully what threatens your convictions to those thoughts and ideas. Fight them. Think your own thoughts and act on them. Don’t let others deter you from your ideals. Is something happening in your job or life to you or someone else you care about? Do you see a big injustice or better yet, a little one? Step up. Little hurts and unfair acts are only little to the person who is not involved in it. Remember that.

See a need and fill it. Man, this is an easy one. I have a dear friend who was a victim of sexual assault when she was young. She is African American. She was moved by an article she read in her newspaper about a rape victim who was a visitor to her town and knew no one. My friend went to the hospital to see her and was denied admittance because she had no training to handle this type of situation. Give up? Not on your life. She went to the Rape Crisis Center and took the three month training course and began to advocate in her local hospital and began to visit victims. This is the heart part of this story: In almost every instance the victim was Black. In every instance she and the victim were the only African Americans in the room. Nurses, doctors, even aids and pastors were white as snow. Just imagine how a victim of abuse would feel seeing not only a sister, but finding out that her visitor was a real sister not just in color, but so much more importantly, in life experiences. See a need and fill it.

My favorite #Be the Change is the easiest and potentially the most fun. Tutor or mentor a child. Oh, poor you. You don’t need a child who may need you-Are you kidding me??? Go to your local Boys and Girls Club. Go to your local elementary School. Ask at the library. Ask a Sunday School teacher. Come on, no excuses on this one. Children who need academic help, a warm coat, a backpack of food to take home over the weekend, a friend and on and on. I go into my grandson’s Pre-K classroom once a week and it was easy to spot the little girl who needed help. Now when I go to read I spend 15 minutes with her afterward. It has been so good for me-never mind good for her, ladies. When you help someone on a face to face basis, it is just as good for you as it is for the child you are

Finally, do a thing that you know needs to be done. I can’t tell you what it is. Maybe something in a neighbor’s yard. Maybe a bag of food on a doorstep. Maybe a coat for a child you see in the classroom where you volunteer. Maybe something as simple as a phone call to a shut-in. If you think that things like this don’t change the world, you are dead wrong. These, in fact, are the only things that are going to change the world. In the process and as an unforeseen side effect, you will be changed too. Trust me on this!

Your Thoughts

Can your thoughts and meditations and simple ruminations actually effect your overall health? Yes, and in pretty dramatic ways. “Prevention Magazine” one of my favorite sources for health news and recent updates on clinical studies reveals how seriously bad thoughts, bad Karma, and negative words can draw down your supply of good feelings.

Upbeat people live longer, are healthier, have better blood pressure readings, fewer chronic ailments and on and on. I found this to be highly revealing and took it to heart simply from people I know and how they live their lives. The articles are in this month’s issue of “PREVENTION MAGAZINE.” I highly recommend you give it a read!

Skating Uphill-May Edition “Be Good To Yourself!”


May is now officially declared “Be Good To Yourself Month!”

Yes, I love to change the designation of months. I think some of them are silly anyway. I mean who really knows or cares if it is Dairy Month if they don’t live in Wisconsin? Also, I get that April Showers Bring May Flowers and all of that, but I honestly think we can do better.  So now, we are going to have a special month absolutely dedicated to ourselves. That may or may not sound a bit selfish to you. I am thinking not. Think about how little you actually do just for you-not because you need to or not because you have to or not because someone else wants you too or any other reasons why we give to others first. Just for this month, try some fun experiment’s for you and you alone-OK?

The first one will be the hardest-it was for me anyway. I have regained five pounds from my goal weight success story of last month. I know a couple of others in the same boat and I don’ necessarily mean YOU. So, let’s just simply forgive ourselves and move on. Gasp! Idi I just say that? What I really meant was NOT to give up and go back to being a slacker, even though that has a lot of appeal for me. What I meant was to kind of let it go. I stopped and looked at why this weight situation was happening to me and it was because I had gone off of several of the things that were working for me.

I usually have the same healthy breakfast and I somehow lost that habit between Easter Brunch and chocolate eggs. I lost my way in a forest of PEEPS. So now back to 80 calorie yogurt with two teaspoons of mixed nuts and a cup of mixed fresh fruit. I really like that and it is quite filling. I am back to basics with no sacrifice and no regrets. Do little fixes and check out results. Nothing dramatic, all right?

Buy a good book. I love murder mysteries wet in cool places. I just finished a series of books set in the time of Richard the Third and have now started reading a series of murders set in the 1920’s about a down and out aristocrat who goes to London to try to find a job with only a finishing school diploma for a reference and she gets caught up in murders in the best of families at lovely manor houses and, of course, she solves the mystery and keeps the family names from the dreaded scandal that was so much the kiss of death in those days. Good fun and I really love things set in totally different times. It adds to the fun of a good read. Try it.

I love a massage or a spa day, but that can get expensive. Instead, I treat myself to a new personal item-make-up, face moisturizer, perfume, a really good smelling shampoo, a bottle of nail polish in a flashy shade, lunch out, or my personal favorite: flowers. I have very low standards when it comes to flowers because it is hard to find flowers that I do not love. Grocery store flowers are just fine with me. I have some pretty vases and I love to play with arrangements. Plants are fun too and designers will tell you for lots of $$$ that plants soften an environment beautifully.

Finally, for absolutely no money at all, take the afternoon off and watch a movie. Take a warm bath, wash your hair, rub lotion on your feet and put on socks, smear cream all over your lovely self, and just fade out for a couple of hours. Book it. Make an appointment with YOU. I did this a couple of days ago and binge watched an old TV series on Netflix and actually nodded off. I have not had an afternoon nap in I can’t remember how long. I woke up feeling smooth and lovely next to my flowers and yogurt mixed with a bit of honey and gave myself a no guilt pedicure. How sinful-NOT!

Remember, May is now Be Kind To Yourself Month and I honestly think you know what I mean. I bet you could pick three things you would love to do for yourself right this minute, couldn’t you?  Love, Judith


PS-As you know, I read a lot and some of the new things food wise on the pipeline have to do with oil. We knot that olive oil and other natural oils can be ultra-healthy, but have you tried a tuna salad with your own recipe but with olive oil instead of mayo? Also, pasta salad with olive oil instead of mayo is way healthy. Finally, I have recently come across several recipes using avocado oil. I am a huge avocado fan being originally from California so I was happy to find spray avocado oil at my grocery store. For more food tips check out  See you next month