Category Archives: H. E. A. L.

H. E. A. L. Stands for Healthy Eating, Active Lifestyle. Wellness and Healing are a part of a big picture scenario . It is a totality of nutrition, awareness, mindfulness and physical well being. Check out this category for articles on all of these topics.

Happy New Year???

Can we agree to make 2023 a clean slate-Let’s Hope So!

I get that blog comments stay up forever and become not so timely, and I also get that Happy New Year is a bit corny, but 2022 was not a particularly great time for many people in many places and so I am putting this wish out there for all of us to give a bit of thought. What can we do to make things better? Okay, so here is my take on it.

  1. In order to do better, you have to BE better.
  2. Be kind to others-Golden Rule time: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  3. Communicate Better Say what you really mean.
  4. Remember that you are nice to people not because they are nice, but because YOU are nice.
  5. A little kindness goes a long way so try “paying it forward” a couple of times and see how it makes you feel. I bought the guy behind me at Wendy’s the other day a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich and he followed me out to the parking lot to thank me and said he could only afford one sandwich and was going to give it to his little boy but with the extra $$$ he bought two. Yes, if you think that made my day, you are right! Do this sometime, please. It is such a feel good sensation. So go forward with JOY into 2023 and pass it around!!!

What will you write on your 2023 blank slate?

Read Yourself Better!

Heal Yourself In So Many Ways!

I love to read and I mean everything from the Bible to the newspaper to cookbooks. Reading is so relaxing and calming. The next time you cannot seem to quiet yourself mentally or physically, try reading something. Perhaps a woman’s magazine or an inspirational book will help.

I like to read the Bible or any one of Max Lacado’s inspirational books. Often I will just read a cookbook or Good Housekeeping. I find this settles my mind. Try it. Sit in a comfortable place and just be quite.

PS Add a cup of peach tea with 2 teaspoons of sugar!

Great Days


Yes, I know that Thanksgiving is no longer politically correct, but can we not gather with loved ones and share a meal? Can we enjoy each other’s company and forgive and forget past wrongs, think about the future not the past, and just talk about anything good that we all feel? Don’t look back, you are not going that way!

So What’s In It For Me???

They say that an apple a day keeps the Doctor away, and actually, this might really be true!

Eating 5 1/2 cup servings of fruit and veg per day has been proved time and time again to be of real benefit. So, why not just do it. Imagine the variety you have to select from too. Eat the rainbow. Apples, pears, oranges, grapes and on and on. Broccoli, corn, green beans, and my personal favorite pickled beets… This is not even to mention all of the salad greens out there just for you. Try it. Just measure out the amounts at first and BTW when you do that, you will see how easy it really is! Good luck!

There are sooo many things to do with an empty pie shell. Think of it as a totally blank canvas and go from there. I think first of quiche. I make literally 10 different types of quiche with veggies, different types of cheeses, and leftovers.

Think also of fruit pies. The skies the limit on fruit pies with all different types of fruit, different toppings and so on. Think also of summer pies, I love the one you make with jello, cool whip and jello pudding. Yummy.

I am sure you could think of many more things to do with an empty pie crust. Also, one can do so much with imagination. Foods are such a pallet. Think about tastes you love and combine with other tastes you love. Also, think about all of the new fruits and veggies that are out there now.

Finally, I do not mean to be a nag, but also check out labels as you shop. We now know sooo much more about nutrition and health. Take advantage of all of this new knowledge.

Oh, Rats!

It actually snowed yesterday. Just when we here were all hoping for the dogwood blossoms, it actually snowed among the “white” trees. Yes, we had white dogwood trees in the start of their beautiful yearly bloom, then white flakes of snow making flurries into the petals. The robins on my front lawn were very confused as was I. The theme here is “hope.”

Winter in the weather and winter in my heart simply cannot last forever. Boy, warm weather and fresh fruit and outdoor hikes keep coming up in my dreams. How about YOU?

We Are Back!

I have been on a vacation, but have been thinking of all of those of you who have been faithfully following this blog. We have been learning new things together, I hope, and gaining and growing in many ways. Participation has been wonderful and I hope it will continue to be so. Please write a comment, share a recipe or thought, and just be a part of “Skating Uphill.” My sort of life motto has always been that skating uphill is really hard work, but when you get to the top, the view is well worth it! I hope you agree.

Anyway, we are back and ready to go again. Join the group for recipes, stories to share, comments, life style tips, and on and on. Thanks to all and of course, I have been “Thinking of You!”


On a cold winter day, a book can be your best friend. I host a children’s story site that has a theme song. It starts “If you want adventure, if you want to travel far, your imagination can be your shooting star. All you gotta do is read a book. Open up the cover and take a look!”

It’s so true. Books, whether on tape, Kindle, or in your hand, are the guide, the key, and the escape. You can be anybody for a while. Go anywhere for a while, or learn from the greatest oracles in their fields.

How in the world did we humans ever get so lucky to discover plot, dialogue, story line, genre and on and on. Okay, you caught me-I absolutely LOVE to read!

As we know, HEAL stands for Healthy Eating, Active Lifestyle, but a big part of our overall heath is our emotional health. I saw this beautiful Japanese floral arrangement at the Japanese New Year Celebration in Los Angeles. It was so lovely, it made me feel an almost instant peace. Does it do the same for you?

Being at peace is just as an important aspect of health as what you eat and how you exercise. Mental peace is key to physical and emotional health. Search for beauty in your days.