Be The Change

Skating Uphill
Judith Lawrenson
December Issue

You know that the whole quote is “Be the change you want to see in the world,” which actually makes it MUCH harder!

The Uphill Skater

Honestly, Elizabeth Millen our darling editor/publisher comes up with the best themes for PINK. What a challenge to actually bring home something as broad yet right to the point as one person making a change in the world and, whoa, having that person perhaps be YOU!!!

I am just kidding-I can think of many ways we can make meaningful changes in our surroundings and if we look at the small view of say writing a check to an organization even that has its place in betterment. As you sit and read this article, look at yourself-actually see yourself. Are you thinking that there is not much just little you can do to make a dent in the big wide world? Think again.

Do you have an extra pocket book or two floating around your closet? Go down to the Dollar Store or Wal-Mart and buy some feminine hygiene items, a wash cloth, a pair of socks, some lipstick, a pair of underpants and a t-shirt, and stuff like that. Add a $5 certificate for a fast food restaurant and give it to a homeless woman. If you can’t find one, go to your local shelter or better yet, go to a local church that has meals for the homeless. Believe me, you will be shocked at how easy it is to find a homeless woman and statistically, she will be over 50. Do you believe that. It makes you want to cry, doesn’t it?
PS-Go in person!

Next, I am asking you to “stand your ground.” You have opinions and emotions and strong feelings about many things. Examine those feelings and think carefully what threatens your convictions to those thoughts and ideas. Fight them. Think your own thoughts and act on them. Don’t let others deter you from your ideals. Is something happening in your job or life to you or someone else you care about? Do you see a big injustice or better yet, a little one? Step up. Little hurts and unfair acts are only little to the person who is not involved in it. Remember that.

See a need and fill it. Man, this is an easy one. I have a dear friend who was a victim of sexual assault when she was young. She is African American. She was moved by an article she read in her newspaper about a rape victim who was a visitor to her town and knew no one. My friend went to the hospital to see her and was denied admittance because she had no training to handle this type of situation. Give up? Not on your life. She went to the Rape Crisis Center and took the three month training course and began to advocate in her local hospital and began to visit victims. This is the heart part of this story: In almost every instance the victim was Black. In every instance she and the victim were the only African Americans in the room. Nurses, doctors, even aids and pastors were white as snow. Just imagine how a victim of abuse would feel seeing not only a sister, but finding out that her visitor was a real sister not just in color, but so much more importantly, in life experiences. See a need and fill it.

My favorite #Be the Change is the easiest and potentially the most fun. Tutor or mentor a child. Oh, poor you. You don’t need a child who may need you-Are you kidding me??? Go to your local Boys and Girls Club. Go to your local elementary School. Ask at the library. Ask a Sunday School teacher. Come on, no excuses on this one. Children who need academic help, a warm coat, a backpack of food to take home over the weekend, a friend and on and on. I go into my grandson’s Pre-K classroom once a week and it was easy to spot the little girl who needed help. Now when I go to read I spend 15 minutes with her afterward. It has been so good for me-never mind good for her, ladies. When you help someone on a face to face basis, it is just as good for you as it is for the child you are

Finally, do a thing that you know needs to be done. I can’t tell you what it is. Maybe something in a neighbor’s yard. Maybe a bag of food on a doorstep. Maybe a coat for a child you see in the classroom where you volunteer. Maybe something as simple as a phone call to a shut-in. If you think that things like this don’t change the world, you are dead wrong. These, in fact, are the only things that are going to change the world. In the process and as an unforeseen side effect, you will be changed too. Trust me on this!

Just For Today

It is a gray day today but I am not letting it get me down and neither should you. I just read my grandson a book called “Count Your Blessings” in which the Berenstein Bears learn how to count their blessings instead of wanting toys and “stuff” seen at a friend’s house. What an eye opener for not only my grandson (aged 5) but me as well. The little bears are sitting in front of a nice fire with mom and dad and being loved and they learn that THAT is the biggest blessing of all. Today, think about someone who cares for you but also think about someone YOU care about and give them a call, a thought, or a prayer!

Cutting Edge

We Pescatarians are growing in number. It is a true cutting edge healthy eating breakthrough. To eschew red meat and the flesh of other mammals is a good thing and at some level we all know this. Sustainable fish and shell fish and vegetables and fruits are so good for our bodies.

Fad diets and off the wall eating plans will never survive and we all know it. How many times have you tried it yourself or seen someone else fail or the whole silly idea go away-Spinach and grapefruit, raw vegan, Keto, liquid only, etc. all may last a while, but good health and sustainability are the only true lasting tests of good nutrition.

Do it for yourself, the planet, and the assurance of a longer more physically fit life.

Do Your Best!

We all try to do our best every day, I think. Some days are better than others, obviously, but that is never an excuse to give up or be discouraged. Okay, I grant you that it may seem like it often, but don’t do it. One of my favorite quotes keeps me optimistic:

“Everything will be all right in the end, and if it is not all right, perhaps it is not the end yet!”

Slow Down-Spend time like you spend your money, Carefully!

In a hurry? Not good! I’m just saying, and yes, I know it is easy to say, that sometimes just a little pre-planning time spent can make a world of difference in your day.

I try to spend by habit, 10 minutes in the morning exercising and 10 minutes doing a plan for the day. It was easier, believe it or not, on days when I had tons of things to do. On a day that you are free or there is little that must be done, it is very simple to let time slip away and let tasks slip and be left undone. This brings huge pressure later.

So free advice-Try to space it out. Try to gain some balance between rush/sleep/dead tired and just taking it a day at a time and trying to meet goals and deadlines as you can. A healthy, realistic way to regulate yourself it to take a long term look and then a short term look. Also, take a good close look at what other people add or detract from your goals. You might be surprised when you, in a totally neutral way, evaluate your co-workers, friends, family and party group. Toxic people are just exactly that! You don’t need it.

All of this takes just what you are trying to save-TIME! It is well worth it though. Again, think long term and you will see that a little elf-evaluation is truly “Time Well Spent.”

Your Thoughts

Can your thoughts and meditations and simple ruminations actually effect your overall health? Yes, and in pretty dramatic ways. “Prevention Magazine” one of my favorite sources for health news and recent updates on clinical studies reveals how seriously bad thoughts, bad Karma, and negative words can draw down your supply of good feelings.

Upbeat people live longer, are healthier, have better blood pressure readings, fewer chronic ailments and on and on. I found this to be highly revealing and took it to heart simply from people I know and how they live their lives. The articles are in this month’s issue of “PREVENTION MAGAZINE.” I highly recommend you give it a read!

Coffee, Anyone?

Coffee is so confusing these days one does not know what to order. Even more important, it is often debatable what coffee is value for money, overpriced, over processed, non-sustainable, and on and on. Here is a simple guide to what you are getting for your $$$ and options for you to make your own informed selection.


  1. Drip: Used in most coffee machines. Use about 2 tablespoons for 10 ounces of water. Many different brands to select from and personal preference is the guideline.
  2. Cold brew: This is new and a matter of personal taste. You soak ground coffee for up to 24 hours in cold water. Use about 10-12 ounces of beans to 6 cups of water. This is very mild and I think it tastes watery!
  3. Single Origin:Many people swear by this as it is traceable sometimes even to a single farm but mostly to a country so one can balance the “fair trade”option
  4. Instant:This speaks for itself and has had a bad reputation, but there are brands of instant coffee that I think are very good and there has been huge improvement in instants. I like the dark black Folger’s.
  5. French Press: In a cylinder, pour water over coffee (your grind preference) and let it set again to your strength preference. Pour out gradually after you depress the handle.

there are other exotic ways to buy/make/enjoy coffee, but if you notice, I have used the word preference many times in this article. Coffee is purely a matter of personal taste. ENJOY!

Movie Review

We saw “Ford versus Ferrari” last night and it was really excellent. Matt Damon absolutely nailed Carrol Shelby. He had the accent, the swagger, AND the just right cowboy hat.

The race scenes were amazing if just a bit long. Ken Miles was depicted as exactly the super hero knowledgeable guy that he honestly was. Very humble but also the acknowledged expert. I also found it fascinating to see Henry Ford II depicted as being surrounded by “suits” who were nothing more than yes men.

Go see this movie even if you are not a car buff. Highly recommended.

Winter Recipes

Tune in over the next couple of weeks for some fabulous vegetarian and pescaterian recipes. It is cold here and we need to “gather” and eat some warm, yummy, healthy things. Also get the inside info on canned winter warmers. Soups, chili, and all sorts of canned/heat it up items are not so bad for you as you might think.

I have a lot to share and I hope YOU do to. Go to the comment section to add thoughts, recipes, etc!!

Cold and getting colder

It is cold here and predicted to get much colder very soon.

Get a flu shot

Keep your ears and the back of your neck warm

Keep lotion on your skin-especially face and feet

Drive more carefully

Sleep cool-warm jammies but not heavy covers

Many more tips to follow!  Happy Winter-Yes, I am told that many people actually enjoy winter and thrive on cold weather. Who knew???