Skating Uphill, PINK MAGAZINE, JULY 2017
Judith Lawrenson
Honestly, if I read another article about exercise I think I will just sit here and be ill. No, I guess I better not just “sit here” to be ill. I need to walk around-right?
The Uphill Skater
Oh, I know, I know, exercise is good for you. I have often said, though, that it is not really a weight loss tool. You cannot possibly exercise off all of the calories you consume. Well, just as everyone is convinced of that fact, more information has emerged showing how actually important exercise, even mild exercise, can be for a huge variety of reasons-who knew?
Experts are coming forth almost daily with results showing the benefits of even moderate exercise. They say that even moderate movement-a new term-can reap huge health rewards. In the newest issue of The Good Life, the Dr. Oz magazine, he calls exercise the “drug I want you all to take” and goes on to list 11 major health conditions that are helped by even low impact movement. He lists things like better sleep, adding healthy years to life, reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, and lower risk of both colon and breast cancer.
Most important of all, to women at least, is his statement that heart disease, well known to be the biggest killer of women, can be reduced by nearly a third with moderate exercise. I think that is so very important.
A friend of mine had what they call a heartbreak heart attack and her Dr. told her the same thing. She started about six months ago with a walk that went up to the end of her block and back. Believe me that was not very far. In the last six months she has lost 20 pounds and gone from a size 14 to a size 8. She walks about two miles a day which does not seem like much to you guys who do the big runs and huge gym work outs, but it has certainly worked for her and I am in hopes that it will work for me too. My dog hopes so as well since he loves to walk more than anything.
So, do you have to go to the gym and break a sweat and take another shower, change yet again, and make 2 hours for you to say that you have exercised? Well, no you don’t. New research, and lots of it, says it does not take much. I know you have seen and been reading some of the same things I do but I can’t resist the urge to put a little recap out there. You can count yard work and housework. You can Do you lift when you do laundry? Lift that load five times instead of one. Get up during commercials and walk around the house-NOT THE KITCHEN- and you already know that!
Go on line. I have used in the past and I really like it. I have also downloaded several apps onto my tablet and phone that I think are great. I especially like one called “Calories in Food” which breaks down literally anything you eat. I know counting calories is out these days, but I still use it and I still look at labels and I hope you do too. Some people advise finding a buddy or group either real or virtual, but honestly that has never worked for me. I think it makes it easier to play the blame game when others are involved. In the end, it is just you and that is always a reality. Do what suits you best though.
My next favorite exercise, right behind walking the dog, is to dance. I was never a prom queen or any kind of a dance lesson kid but I have always loved just moving to the music. I swing and sway, bop and jive, flail my arms and do the cool jerk all to either Pandora or one of the music channels on my TV. If I am not by myself I feel a little silly, but so what? I may feel silly, but I also feel energized and good. Try it.
The most important thing is to stay as easy as possible. I do not need to tell you that if it is easy and you form a habit your plan will stick and if you set small goals you will keep going toward the big one. We have discussed goal setting several times in the past so I will not go into that side of the exercise equation except to say that maybe this time around you do not set any really big goals. Don’t say the old 10 pounds line or the belt buckle hole goal. How about just saying you want to feel better? Try it.
Summer is here big time and yes, it is hot and humid. Go to a pool or go to the beach. Try a water aerobics class or just paddle up and down. Walk on the beach in the early morning or just dance in your air conditioned family room. Stand up during a commercial and trot around the coffee table. You get it-just do something!