Your Total Healthy Environment

PINK MAGAZINE  JUNE, 2017-By Judith Lawrenson

“Environment is the totality of what surrounds you so for the optimum healthy lifestyle one should surround oneself with only things that are good, happy, and productive.”

The Uphill Skater


Okay, yes, I am actually the Uphill Skater and yes, I often quote my very own self. So, what? As an advocate for living a healthy lifestyle I would be a pretty poor example if I did not believe what I tell you, would I? I also admit to subscribing to many, some say too many, magazines. I try to keep up with food trends, health updates, and new surveys. Some would find this quite a chore, but actually I love it. It gives me great pleasure to share what I have learned. My friend  Elizabeth Millen is that type of person too. I think perhaps anybody who is a really great teacher must be that sort of person as well.

In this month’s Skating Uphill I would like to share with you some new findings that are really old. I know, I know, this happens often doesn’t it? Something is passed off as brand new when actually you “already knew that.” It is like the “new” findings about eggs-I and you already knew that eggs were good, versatile, and healthy. How many times do we actually need to be told that same fact? So, this month I will share with you, dear friends, some of the “new” thinking about how we spend our lives. Here is the new SOS-You are a part of a big totality of all of the things in your environment! How about them apples? Did you already know that? Well. I thought I did too, but let me just put a few things together for you. It does indeed paint a bit of a different picture.

Your “total environment” is all of the things that surround you physically, emotionally and mentally. Starting with the term emotionally, have you ever heard the expression toxic friends? Well, that is not just an idle term. The word toxic is used for a very good reason as it turns out. Bad people in your environment can actually affect your health. Being constantly angry, afraid, tense, uneasy or in avoidance mode can take a measurable toll on your blood pressure, nervous tension, and yes, even eating habits. That works two ways as well-both over eaters and under eaters can have causes that are traced to toxic relationships. Look at those with whom you surround yourself. Do you enjoy their company? Are they a positive influence on your life? Very simply, do they make you happy? It is pretty easy to handle this type of thing if it is an acquaintance or non-relative, but in the workplace or at family gatherings it is not so easy. Sometimes you just have to sit by Aunt Mary who tells you how fat you have gotten or you must work with Bob who tries to take credit for your work, but at least you are aware of these pitfalls and can try to avoid or make the best of them. Beware though of things like loving that bad boy or staying in a relationship that you know may become abusive. Think about a way to change roommates! After you read this, just take a few deep breaths and a couple of minutes and evaluate what I have said.

Your emotional and your mental environments are closely related obviously. Mental health in my mind though has a couple of different components and is tied as closely to emotional health as it is to physical health. Mental health is not just about feeling happy. Mental health is not mood or sense of humor. Mental health can be a life breaker. Conditions like OCD or mild depression or even anxiety attacks must be taken very seriously. More serious mental issues can be obvious but even in some of those cases signs and symptoms are overlooked or misunderstood. Did you know that over 70% or young people in juvenile detention have treatable learning disabilities? Statistics like this seem shocking but so often behaviors are seen as only that rather than signs of real issues.  I do not intend for you to be going around checking out other people for mental health issues; what I do mean is for you to look at YOU and perhaps gauge and evaluate whether or not you are where you would like to be.

I have asked you to do several difficult but important things this month, but here is an easy one for a change. No, it is not to eat healthy food although that is never a bad idea. I will ask you to surround yourself with things you like. Change the color of a room. This is not so hard or expensive in these days of one-coat paint and those little edger things. Go out and buy some plants or flowers. If you cannot afford this, cut some branches and put them in a vase. If you watch HGTV (Yes, I am a devoted Joanna Gains fan!) you will see that they pick anything and put in a clear glass pot, Mason jar or whatever and it looks great. Plants also give off oxygen so they are good for you as well as being restful and attractive. Buy a new blouse in a pretty color.

Okay, I will stop preaching now. I only close by asking you one more time to close your eyes and take a deep breath and list mentally four things you really love in your life. Then list four things that you don’t like.  Check out the blog and see you next month-Love, Judith


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