Closed Doors?

I understand that this may look like a cold, snowy, nothing day. This is a “closed door” for sure. But wait-I have some words of wisdom for you.

They say that when God closes a door He opens a window. Sometimes though a door closes because it no longer leads to somewhere you should go.”

So, next time it looks like a nothing day, a closed door so to speak, give these suggestions a try:

  1. Call someone
  2. Read a book or magazine you have wanted to look at for a while but not had the time
  3. Bake, Cook, Kitchen Create
  4. Pull it together, dress warm, and go for a walk
  5. If you have a dog, all the better. He is probably dying to go outside
  6. Catch up on Facebook
  7. Write a card or better yet, a real letter, and send it to a friend
  8. Join an on line group but be sure it is free and not tagged
  9. Do a craft-knit, crochet, update recipes, color in your coloring book
  10. Last resort?? Clean your house!

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