We All Need Help and I Ain’t Lion!

Ha, Ha, old joke alert, but not so much, really. Part of any good wellness program should include some support. Perhaps you have a good friend, a supportive husband, a personal trainer, or maybe what you have is just YOU and your will power. What ever it is, value it!

As I constantly skate uphill fighting the healthy life style battle, I am very lucky to have that rare husband who is completely honest. That age old question, “Honey, does this make me look fat,” always gets the truth, painful or not. That is a gift.

I also belong to a gym that is part of a hospital re-hab unit, and I have recently hired a personal trainer for a 3 month contract there. That is going better than I ever thought possible. I have learned many new exercises and also tons of new ways to keep fit. For the first time in my life I am also lifting weights. Don’t be afraid to try something different.

My final tool is curiosity. I really want to know what the best practices are and how they apply to me. I take four different magazines and I read them all. I also read on line and in books. As you may know, I write for PINK magazine and this is part of my research to bring readers up to date in their efforts.

A healthy life style is a combination of your total surroundings and nutritional patterns. Stay tuned for tips and information that will honestly be useful. After all, “We All Need Help!” and I ain’t “lion!”

PS-Just a note-Since we are discussing total surroundings, have you changed your heater filters? Just asking.

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