Whoda Thunk It?

Did you know that water is NOT the best liquid for hydration? Actually the very best thing to drink to stay hydrated is milk. Many juices also hydrate better than water. Actually even beer and soda can hydrate rather well too.

Another hydration tip: Do NOT wait until you are thirsty to drink. Thirst can cause nausea, dizziness, and even decreased mental functioning.

Produce can be a better hydrator that water too. Watery fruits and veg. can really do the trick. Oranges, cucumbers, lettuce and so on, are terrific.

Finally, how can you tell if you are drinking enough water? Well, whoda thunk it, check your urine. If your urine is dark and a bit smelly, dring more liquid. If your urine is fairly clear, you are good to go-no pun intended.

(Source for parts of this article: Real Simple Magazine)

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