Last year I went on NOOM for several months and lost 10 pounds. I really like NOOM and purchased many of their extras which I also liked. Their lists of GREEN foods, RED foods, and YELLOW foods was of huge help to me. For example, some green foods include nearly all fruits and vegetables, fat free dairy, and plenty of grains. The plan was not difficult. So, why have I regained the lost weight? Well, it is certainly not the fault of NOOM I can tell you. I have a downfall. I have a fatal flaw. Do you??
My total and always and ever downfall is the simple fat that I am a snacker. I am at the fridge, the pantry, and even my poor little grandson’s stash of M and M’s. I eat Wheat Thins, but with peanut butter. I eat lite cheese, but with lovely bread. I could go on and on, but I am sure you get the picture. I am though, at last overcoming this awful habit. I am down 5 of the lost/regained weight and counting. There is no magic about it. I just simply got tired of failure. Remember that when you start any new plan and have the same hope for success and fear of failure. Keep at it. Don’t give up. In the end, you know it is worth it!
Everything works and Nothing Works except YOU!