Category Archives: Living A Healthy Lifestyle-Published Articles

I write articles for PINK Magazine. This section contains reprints of Healthy Living articles. My articles share tips for living a healthy lifestyle and diet information. I include healthy recipes and weight loss information.

Your Total Healthy Environment

PINK MAGAZINE  JUNE, 2017-By Judith Lawrenson

“Environment is the totality of what surrounds you so for the optimum healthy lifestyle one should surround oneself with only things that are good, happy, and productive.”

The Uphill Skater


Okay, yes, I am actually the Uphill Skater and yes, I often quote my very own self. So, what? As an advocate for living a healthy lifestyle I would be a pretty poor example if I did not believe what I tell you, would I? I also admit to subscribing to many, some say too many, magazines. I try to keep up with food trends, health updates, and new surveys. Some would find this quite a chore, but actually I love it. It gives me great pleasure to share what I have learned. My friend  Elizabeth Millen is that type of person too. I think perhaps anybody who is a really great teacher must be that sort of person as well.

In this month’s Skating Uphill I would like to share with you some new findings that are really old. I know, I know, this happens often doesn’t it? Something is passed off as brand new when actually you “already knew that.” It is like the “new” findings about eggs-I and you already knew that eggs were good, versatile, and healthy. How many times do we actually need to be told that same fact? So, this month I will share with you, dear friends, some of the “new” thinking about how we spend our lives. Here is the new SOS-You are a part of a big totality of all of the things in your environment! How about them apples? Did you already know that? Well. I thought I did too, but let me just put a few things together for you. It does indeed paint a bit of a different picture.

Your “total environment” is all of the things that surround you physically, emotionally and mentally. Starting with the term emotionally, have you ever heard the expression toxic friends? Well, that is not just an idle term. The word toxic is used for a very good reason as it turns out. Bad people in your environment can actually affect your health. Being constantly angry, afraid, tense, uneasy or in avoidance mode can take a measurable toll on your blood pressure, nervous tension, and yes, even eating habits. That works two ways as well-both over eaters and under eaters can have causes that are traced to toxic relationships. Look at those with whom you surround yourself. Do you enjoy their company? Are they a positive influence on your life? Very simply, do they make you happy? It is pretty easy to handle this type of thing if it is an acquaintance or non-relative, but in the workplace or at family gatherings it is not so easy. Sometimes you just have to sit by Aunt Mary who tells you how fat you have gotten or you must work with Bob who tries to take credit for your work, but at least you are aware of these pitfalls and can try to avoid or make the best of them. Beware though of things like loving that bad boy or staying in a relationship that you know may become abusive. Think about a way to change roommates! After you read this, just take a few deep breaths and a couple of minutes and evaluate what I have said.

Your emotional and your mental environments are closely related obviously. Mental health in my mind though has a couple of different components and is tied as closely to emotional health as it is to physical health. Mental health is not just about feeling happy. Mental health is not mood or sense of humor. Mental health can be a life breaker. Conditions like OCD or mild depression or even anxiety attacks must be taken very seriously. More serious mental issues can be obvious but even in some of those cases signs and symptoms are overlooked or misunderstood. Did you know that over 70% or young people in juvenile detention have treatable learning disabilities? Statistics like this seem shocking but so often behaviors are seen as only that rather than signs of real issues.  I do not intend for you to be going around checking out other people for mental health issues; what I do mean is for you to look at YOU and perhaps gauge and evaluate whether or not you are where you would like to be.

I have asked you to do several difficult but important things this month, but here is an easy one for a change. No, it is not to eat healthy food although that is never a bad idea. I will ask you to surround yourself with things you like. Change the color of a room. This is not so hard or expensive in these days of one-coat paint and those little edger things. Go out and buy some plants or flowers. If you cannot afford this, cut some branches and put them in a vase. If you watch HGTV (Yes, I am a devoted Joanna Gains fan!) you will see that they pick anything and put in a clear glass pot, Mason jar or whatever and it looks great. Plants also give off oxygen so they are good for you as well as being restful and attractive. Buy a new blouse in a pretty color.

Okay, I will stop preaching now. I only close by asking you one more time to close your eyes and take a deep breath and list mentally four things you really love in your life. Then list four things that you don’t like.  Check out the blog and see you next month-Love, Judith


“No F-word, No D-word!!!

We know not to say the “F-word” and definitely never to say the “N-word” but the new word NEVER to say now it the dreaded “D-word” Yes, friends, we must not ever say the word DIET.

Okay, I am exaggerating just a bit, but you and I both know that dieting or even saying you are on a diet is so very OUT that you just simply must not do it.  Going on a diet is bad, bad, bad. We never say it or do it. You know I am right. To prove it, I will just ask you to stop for a second and think of all of the synonyms that you can think of for the word DIET.

On TV they are now saying “weight loss plan” and all of the new books refer to a “healthier eating regimen.” Portion control programs are also big nowadays. The term “value system” no longer refers to how you feel about life, but how you count your “caloric intake” and please note that I did not say just plain calories. Even the weight loss products that are advertised are dropping the d-word from their commercials. It is Nutrisystem and Lean Cuisine not the Nutrisystem Diet and the Lean Cuisine Diet. Check it out-I am right. “Sound Caloric Intake” is the new buzz phrase. We also must now look at not only how much we eat and what we eat, we must also know what to call it!

I tell you what, dear friends, I am now looking at my weight loss and healthy weight definitions based on how I feel and how my clothing are fitting on my pudgy little body. I am finding it more and more difficult to keep up with it all. My only recent bright spot is a recommendation and that is part of the purpose of our time spent together this month. I have recently seen the Dr. Oz magazine in supermarkets as I do my usual read of what is happening in the most recent divorce scandals of the rich and famous and the headlines telling me how to lose thirty pounds in thirty days. Yes, I too am fascinated by Tarick and Christina of Flip or Flop and I also scan the huge weight loss claims that call out to me. Don’t lie, I bet you read the covers as you wait in line too.

Anyway, I actually picked up the Dr. Oz magazine and had a quick look and yes, I broke down and bought a copy. I have been a fan of his ever since he first started on Oprah. Hi is down to earth and grounded. He has suggestions that make sense to me and recommends foods that I usually already have in the fridge. He believes in yoga and meditation rather than a personal trainer and prescriptions. He is still married to the same wife too so how about that? Well, I pulled out the “subscribe” tab and did just that. I also put the FREE app on my phone.

The app has a 21 day plan that has stuff like a piece of toast spread with avocado and an egg on top and has lots of easy fruits and veggies. I don’t have to look all over the place for jicima or a kiwi or some exotic thing that costs an arm and a leg and is hard to find anyway. I just hate that. I read somewhere that if you do not have at least eighty percent of the ingredients in a recipe you should not be making it. That makes a lot of sense to me.

I have my first magazine which, by the way and talk about keeping it simple, is called Dr. Oz! It is full of tips a person can really use. I mean sure, we all know that going to Canyon Ranch for a month is going to be helpful to our lives, but it will also cost upwards of 30K so will I see you there? I think not. I may see you at Wal-Mart though buying a $5.99 yoga DVD. I may also see you at the produce counter buying some on sale broccoli or a big bag of carrots too and that would be really good. Yes, I hope and I think that people have really come down to earth food wise. I will continue to put good health, good food, and good emotions all together into the package I call a healthy lifestyle. It just makes good common sense to listen to your body. If you listen carefully, your own body is speaking to you loud and clear!!

On another note, if you have time, please do go to for reprints of PINK articles, food and nutrition tips, and yes, I will say it-DIET Programs. See you next month when we will talk about skin care-skin care, who the hell wants to know about that? Well, you might be surprised about some of the new discoveries in skin care products and anti-aging plans and methods. Also, sun screens have put a new “shine” on things lately-un intended. Love, Judith


“All you need is love, love. Love is all you need” The Beatles

PINK Magazine-February 2017

All right, I guess we all know that love is Not really all you need. I mean food, clothing, a house, a car, friends, a glass of wine-I could go on and on. Honestly though, love is not a bad place to start-especially in February with Valentine’s Day and all. They say that “Love conquers all” and I think there is a lot to that kind of thinking too. I would like to dedicate some thoughts to not just that idea but to a lot of related things that have been floating around recently in magazines and web sites.

The concept is about kindness. I saw a couple of month ago the cover of a magazine that said “Throw Kindness like Confetti” and it started me thinking about all of the different ways we could be kind to each other. Pay it forward is an idea that I am so intrigued with I have done it myself many times in the last month. It is sort of a New Year’s Resolution. I put a neighbor’s newspaper on the porch out of the rain. I substituted in a volunteer slot for a sick friend and I did something I really did not want to do but I sure felt good afterward because my friend let me know how much she appreciated what I did. I saw two kids sharing a burger and fries at Burger King and I paid for two Whoppers and had the server take them over after I left. I get that these are small things, but I am on a roll with good deeds so I am just saying-watch out!

Another idea that I saw online was a big badge/pin that said “I’m Listening.” I thought that said a whole lot of things. Do you really listen when someone is trying to tell you something that is important to them? Do you care? Do you show you care? Do you think about how they are hoping you will respond? Let’s step back for a minute from politics and other hot topics and just take a second to hear what a real conversation might be about. Might a person need something from you like support or a confidence boost or validation of an idea? It might be very easy to simply say the right thing and back it up when you are called upon to do so. I baby sit for my grandson sometimes and I “listen” to what my children say about how they feel about his food and his care. I love to have him and I know they are grateful. We listen to each other and we have made this work. Think about a situation you may be faced with and how perhaps a solution could be right there waiting to be discovered through simple communication. 

Random acts of kindness have been around for a while, but I still love the idea. You just simply do something totally unplanned for someone else. Maybe you know them and maybe you don’t. That is unimportant. The important thing is that this may become like a pay it forward and inspire someone else and someone else perhaps in an infinite chain reaction. What a lovely thought. As my daily random act, I try to greet people I see or meet. I see people all over the place regularly and I always say Hello or Good Morning or my favorite, Have a Blessed Day. A greeting and a smile could make another person’s day. I know it makes mine!

Finally, here is a new word to put in your vocabulary and in your heart. The word is empathy. Empathy means the art of putting yourself in another person’s position. It is the old “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” idea. It means being non-judgmental. Going back to the beginning words about love, just think about what we could mean to each other if we loved non- judgmentally.  Diversity, alternate lifestyles, economic disparity, and I could go on and on with things that separate us. How about things that we all have in common?

Skating Up Hill is about living a healthy lifestyle so what’s with all of this lecturing about “feel good” crap? Well, ok smart aleck, study after study has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that people who are emotionally healthy are much more physically healthy, live longer, and have a better quality of life. My mom always used to say to me and my brother before we left for school in the morning, “Now remember to be nice.” I am now saying that to you. Be kind. Be empathetic, and just be nice!  Love Judith

Update News Alert-Skating Up Hill is now a blog. Yes, you can go on line with Google and go to and find new articles, old articles, food tips and recipes, daily intentions with quotes to live by, and much more. Add your comments and questions to the BLOG and be a part of something good.

New Year’s Resolutions-Ugh!

January Issue-PINK Magazine

“You know I hate these damn New Year’s Resolutions, but I just could not pass up sharing just these few.”  The Uphill Skater


I know we are all sick of being better people, feeling more confident, losing weight, and writing thank you notes so I will not bore you with any of that stuff. We will also not promise to call mom more often, adopt a rescue pet, or eat kale. Been there-Done that got the T-Shirt. Yes, I promise not to say that any more either. I know it is corny and old.

Okay, so if we are NOT going to do any of those things, what are we going to do? Well you may ask. I only have three things to suggest this year and please listen up because each one is very important and at some point in 2017 may be more important than you can imagine.

First, if you don’t have a first aid book in your house and or car-Get One Now. I have “Family First Aid.” I bought it quite a while ago at Outside Hilton Head and it is one of those “Klutz” books.  The author is listed as “The Nursing Staff of the Lucille Salter Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford” and it is all inclusive. It covers everything from Poison Oak and Poison Ivy to Impetigo and anything else in between that you absolutely never want to happen in your house.

The book is indexed for easy use and is made of hard cardboard complete with illustrations. It is about the size of a business envelope. It is not just for children either. Things covered in this book can and do happen to everyone at one time or another. You can buy it on line or at many shops. Like I said, the first thing in this wonderful handbook is allergy attack and the final listings are Urinary Tract Infection, Vomiting, and Warts. You can’t get more complete than that. If you are not interested in finding this particular that’s all right. But do go out and find something. You will be glad you did-believe me.

The next bit of advice I will pass on is something we all know we should do but just don’t get around to it somehow. Do you have a living will? You don’t have to go to a lawyer or even to a web site you know. That is obviously the best way to make your wishes known, but if you just can’t seem to do that, reach out to the person you trust the most in the world and ask them to sit down with you for fifteen minutes and talk about how you wish to proceed through your final time. This is of such importance I can’t emphasize it enough. Sit down and write our very clearly so there can be no mistake exactly what you want and don’t want for your life. I will repeat the word YOUR because it is yours really and as much s you have family, friends, and loved ones, some decisions are not up to them, they are up to you. Be sure your document is available and in place. Please do this.

The last of my three “to do” things is just for you and your mental health and brain. Very simply, I will tell you to just learn something new. That is all. Learn something new. This adult coloring craze is something new. Try that. Learn to knit or crochet. Join a good book club and offer to lead a discussion if you have not done that. Volunteer at someplace you think you might find interesting. Volunteering at a thrift shop is wonderful and not only fun but personally rewarding. Volunteer to tutor, volunteer to teach a child something you know how to do. Learn a new skill on your computer. After all of these wonderful suggestions I must confess that the new thing I have learned to do is play canasta. Yes, after years of bridge, I have actually decided to learn and play canasta. I am quite enjoying it and meeting some very interesting people. Who knew???

Anyway, I mention each of these things for a reason. A dear friend of mine had a guest fall and cut herself very badly. She knew what to do. Getting out the trusty first aid book she tied a rag tourniquet, pressed a clean cloth to the gash, and called 911. We are watching my grandson pretty regularly lately and I have my book at the ready I can tell you.

As to the living will, I think we all know someone who has had their wishes violated and I think that is a crime and a shame. Enough said-just do it! Finally, learning something new or doing something different can be a brain saver and a life changer. I suggest from my own personal experience that you might have a look at what you are putting in your lovely little mouth.

Anyway, Happy New Year to all and I hope and pray that 2017 is a red letter highlight year for us all. Love Judith

School Daze, School Daze-PINK Magazine, Aug. 2016

“Oh S**t-School is starting!”    Johnny

“Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy-School is starting!”    Johnny’s mother


All right, we all look at things form different points of view. I get that. It doesn’t mean though, that the thing we are talking about is not actually going to happen, does it? No, it does not! School is happening so let’s make the best of it if we all can.

The first part of this column is going to deal with a very old subject-school lunches. I am not really sure how many people actually make lunches for their children any more, but I did for many years and I honestly enjoyed it. My kid’s school did not start until nine o’clock so we had time to do this daily job together.  We made everything from peanut butter tacos to strawberry pops-a carrot stick with a strawberry stuck on top of it. They were funny looking, but very good, believe it or not.

Yes, I found out, as have we all, that things were thrown away, traded off, or simply never taken out of the bag. All I can say is that, as usual, I hoped for the best and looked for something positive in it all. Some days that is easier than others of course. Did you know, and yes this is a truly researched fact, that nearly 40% of food produced in the US is wasted or otherwise thrown away? I find that appalling and I hope you do too. What I am proposing is simply that you check it out. Ask at school about the quality of lunches and how much actual food is eaten. You cannot force children to eat, but you can try to see what is happening and how food is being presented and how much is eaten or wasted.

As school begins also there are tons of other things that interweave to make the giant kaleidoscope that makes up a “day in school.”  Things from uniform drives to Backpack Buddies to class placement are moving targets and paths often fraught with situations for students. As a parent, there are so many things to follow that often we feel it is easier to just send our children off for their day. I urge you not to do that.

Have a good look at how your child in interacting in the classroom with other students and with the teacher. Have a good look at all grades. Do not just look at the academic grades but keep up with the conduct grades and comments. Conference with the teacher. Chances are a really good teacher will welcome the opportunity to speak with you and I do not mean just when their issues. Having been a teacher myself for many years, I liked to talk to all of the parents-not just the good and also not just the bad!

I also would like to say a final word about a topic that has been talked to death and still not had enough said about it. Yes, I am talking about bullying. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, the shove by the lockers, the nasty note left in a book, name calling, and so much more can be heartbreaking to a child. Exclusion can be simply devastating. Not being asked to a gathering, being left out of a club or group, always being chosen last, even being ignored are painful stabs through the heart to sensitive children and it seems the shy and sensitive are the most frequent targets. Watch your child carefully for signs of any of these things happening. Talk to your child frequently and regularly.

As a professional, I worked with students with learning disabilities and I can tell you that these “different” children were the most frequent victims of the cruelties of others. It seems that there is a pack mentality that makes others go for the weak among them. Doesn’t that sound horrible?  Well, yes and it truly is horrible.  I am going to be a bit controversial here though and tell you that those who taunt and bully others are frequently victims themselves and they act out and strike out to return the hurts. This is a known fact and I have seen it many times over the years.

Anyway, this column is about healthy lifestyles and is frequently funny and pointedly comedic, but not this time, ladies. Believe me I know that parents today, single parent families, traditional and non-traditional families and those who are part of extended families face trials in their busy days that were unheard of until quite recently. Yes, I get that you are up against it very frequently and hustling to make it, but so may be your children. Be engaged. Take an interest. Be there. You will be so glad you did.  Let me hear from you,  Love Judith

“Summer is here and so are we. Let’s make the very best of it, ladies!” PINK Magazine-July 2016

Yes, and oh boy, summer is officially and really here with a vengeance. It is hot and that’s a fact. Personally, I absolutely love these long hot summer days and even more, I love the long warm summer evenings. Ooops, I am reading in many articles and magazines that summer can be extremely unhealthy and we need to watch out for many awful things-how can that be?

Well, to tell you the truth, both statements are true. Summer is fabulous and to my mind it is the best time of the year. But, there are things one must do to retain that healthy life style we all value and deserve. Most of the things I will share with you this month are common sense, but I do have a few new things that I think are important. There always seems to be new research out about things that we thought were good to go so let’s look at a few updates.

First I think we all must have read recent finds about the strength of different strengths of sun screen. It used to be that the higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) the more actual protection one would receive from the damaging ultra-violet rays that are believed to cause different forms of skin cancer. Now research has shown, and I have read this recently in three different places, that $$$ spent for that high number, 50 and up, is not good value. In actual fact, a factor of thirty blocks 97% of UV rays while a factor of fifty blocks 98%. To me that does not seem like much bang for your buck. Good Housekeeping also rates the No Ad brand higher than many of the more expensive ones. Hmmmm?

Another sun protection tip is to be sure you use tons of sun screen. Really slather yourself up. It is very important. Also, be absolutely sure that you have covered everyplace that the sun can reach. I have a friend who just got back from Hawaii and had third degree burns on the tops of his feet. You could clearly see the sandal lines where he had not applied sun screen to the tops of his feet. If you are a snorkeler, be sure to put sun screen on your back even if you are wearing a T-shirt. The back of your neck just above your T-shirt line, you know that little bump sort of place, also must be done. Again, get everyplace that is exposed, and you know what I mean. The Bull Frog lotion that also has insect repellent in it is great.

Legend has it that people with blonde or red hair and very fair skin burn easily and are more prone to skin cancers, and yes, this one is true. You know who you are and I am sure you know to be extra careful. Other skin types are susceptible in addition to the fairer types. I am part Native American and have olive skin and I need to watch it. Also, African American skin burns just as severely as all others.  Remember too that there is no such thing as waterproof lotion. It comes off. Believe it. It also comes off more quickly and easily in salt water than in chlorinated water so watch it at the beach. They say that every two hours is about right even if you do not go into the water. Who knew? Here is some new news too-There is no such thing as a “base tan.” You know, that first browning look that will keep you from burning-no, no-not true.

Finally, we all know that it is a good thing to keep hydrated. This is more of a fact now that ever before as it turns out. That eight glasses of water versus the drink when you are thirsty does not apply in the summer especially if you are out and about or at the beach. Water is always around and available and usually I am all for the most natural and easiest solution, but in this case I am going to diverge a bit. Drinks like Gator Aide with electrolytes are a good bet. Also green tea, bottled types of teas and sports drinks, and yes, even sweet tea can not only keep you hydrated, but keep your skin more supple and less apt to burn. Keep an ice chest with you at the pool or at the beach. The extra trouble is well worth it. Oh, by the way, you notice I did not include sweetened sodas in the “drink it” list.

So, summer is here big time and let’s all enjoy it as much as we can. If you do get that sun burn, remember NOT to apply things like heavy lotions or Vaseline type products. These only keep the burn in and increase the pain. Try a cool Epsom salts bath or Aloe in the pure form. Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It is also very vulnerable. Get into the habit of protecting yourself-Love, Judith


Dumming Down

“So if “dumming” rhymes with humming, are all just whistling Dixie when we say we got a good grade on the test, or are we faking it BIG TIME?”

                                                                             The Uphill Skater

 Dumbing down has become such a big catch phrase lately, I thought we as responsible readers of Pink and “Skating Uphill” should look at what this means not only for us as smart, cool ladies, but as (OMG!) people who might be doing it to ourselves. By this I mean, girls, how actually awful is it to be that little 20 lbs over weight, or to make up a phony excuse for being late or not doing something we said we would do? I honestly think that this sort of thinking has invaded many aspects of our lives. I also am going to go out on a limb here and say that I do not think this is always a bad thing-so there. Yes, I have joined the Dumming Down Hummers!

This expression, by the way, has taken on many different meanings. The one we are most familiar with, probably, is the one used in our schools. It is synonymous with the lowering of standards. In other words, if Bobby cannot pass a particular class, is it actually Bobby’s fault, or is it because some evil person hiding somewhere in the woodwork has purposefully made the class too hard for him? What if many others are passing this class and he is the exception. Is this a racial issue, a cultural issue, or due to the fact that there is something different about his learning style? Perhaps also, Bobby has not had adequate preparation to be in this class at all and should not be there under any circumstances. Should he be in the class before this one? Has he not been tested for admission to this class?  So it seems there are more questions than answers to this scenario that I will also refer to as “lowering standards.” Yes, I know that is a bit unfair, and I will explore that with you as well.

I have occasionally had the pleasure and honor of teaching a class at the OSHER Lifelong Learning Center. My class is one of those self-esteem, eating right for happiness, be yourself kind of things and I so enjoy sharing insights and opinions with my students. Almost universally I find though that I am regularly asked questions about standards. People want to know if I really mean that you should only eat this number of calories in a day. Do I really mean that you must dink your water and get your sleep or is that just another one of those studies that seem to keep changing results? How important is it honestly to get off your big butt and walk outside?

Much as I hate to shift the burden, ladies, I am going to have to do that because a lot of the idea of compromise and adaptation and that sort of thing, is actually highly individual. What I mean is, perhaps you decide that you absolutely must lose 40 pounds and try as you might in an honest effort, you are only able to drop 20. A visit to your Doctor and a consultation at Weight Watchers determine that you really are very near to a weight that is good for you and sustainable. So, what now? Shall we struggle to get off that extra weight only to have to starve and constantly watch every bite we eat to keep it off? I think not. Sometimes goals are unrealistic and that is a true fact.

Failing is not permanent. Neither is success. Being comfortable in your own skin should be. So that is one answer. Before you set personal goals or, worse yet, someone else sets them for you, be realistic. This means doing your homework and being honest with yourself. Both of these things are stuff we should be doing anyway and you should not have to read it here!!

As to not being able to achieve because others are keeping you down, I look at that as an excuse. Not to be hard, and I know it is easier to do something with a friend or with support, but in the end, it again boils down to just you. I stopped drinking three years ago and I am still surrounded by very close friends who drink and I am still in the same social situations where I used to drink. This has been tough, but I have done it. Sure, it would have been a piece of cake if all of my friends had said they would stop with me and we had all climbed on the wagon together-Ha, Ha, like that ever happens. So, it mattered enough to me that I was able to do it myself.

As to the issue of not being qualified to be attempting a set goal in the first place, I think that is very valid and should be accepted as a reason, not an excuse. I have seen it happen many times that a person will say that they are going to run a marathon at the age of fifty or they are going to shoot their age in golf at the age of eighty and I am sure you have heard those types of things as well. Often this is very motivational and it works out really well, but equally as often, people do not get that in order to run a big distance, they have to run many little distances first, and to shoot a great golf score requires a great many hours spent on the course. It would seem these things would go without saying, but I guess not from some of the things I have seen some people attempt. Don’t say you do not know what I mean!

So, I will end where I began. Back to Bobby, who is in the classroom not able to perform up to a preset standard that has nothing to do with his abilities or knowledge? Shall we change the test? How about instead we look at reasons. He has had no prep for this class that is too advanced for his level of expertise. How about a pre-class or a tutor? He is being held back by some learning difference, perhaps. My solution is the same as the woman who sets a goal of running fifty miles at the age of fifty. Is she actually equipped to do it or must she first lose thirty pounds, have her heart checked, and try running one mile first?

All I am saying is that we need to look carefully at ourselves and our goals before we set, modify, or fail. I love to succeed, and so do you. Let’s set ourselves up to do that instead of looking for reasons to fail!

Tune in next month for yet another sermon on just doing the best we can do in our circumstances because that is what it is all about anyway, right?

(Co-edited by Wm. Lawrenson, Jr.)




“All you need is love, love. Love is all you need” The Beatles  

All right, I guess we all know that love is Not really all you need. I mean food, clothing, a house, a car, friends, a glass of wine-I could go on and on. Honestly though, love is not a bad place to start-especially in February with Valentine’s Day and all. They say that “Love conquers all” and I think there is a lot to that kind of thinking too. I would like to dedicate some thoughts to not just that idea but to a lot of related things that have been floating around recently in magazines and web sites.

The concept is about kindness. I saw a couple of month ago the cover of a magazine that said “Throw Kindness like Confetti” and it started me thinking about all of the different ways we could be kind to each other. Pay it forward is an idea that I am so intrigued with I have done it myself many times in the last month. It is sort of a New Year’s Resolution. I put a neighbor’s newspaper on the porch out of the rain. I substituted in a volunteer slot for a sick friend and I did something I really did not want to do but I sure felt good afterward because my friend let me know how much she appreciated what I did. I saw two kids sharing a burger and fries at Burger King and I paid for two Whoppers and had the server take them over after I left. I get that these are small things, but I am on a roll with good deeds so I am just saying-watch out!

Another idea that I saw online was a big badge/pin that said “I’m Listening.” I thought that said a whole lot of things. Do you really listen when someone is trying to tell you something that is important to them? Do you care? Do you show you care? Do you think about how they are hoping you will respond? Let’s step back for a minute from politics and other hot topics and just take a second to hear what a real conversation might be about. Might a person need something from you like support or a confidence boost or validation of an idea? It might be very easy to simply say the right thing and back it up when you are called upon to do so. I baby sit for my grandson sometimes and I “listen” to what my children say about how they feel about his food and his care. I love to have him and I know they are grateful. We listen to each other and we have made this work. Think about a situation you may be faced with and how perhaps a solution could be right there waiting to be discovered through simple communication. 

Random acts of kindness have been around for a while, but I still love the idea. You just simply do something totally unplanned for someone else. Maybe you know them and maybe you don’t. That is unimportant. The important thing is that this may become like a pay it forward and inspire someone else and someone else perhaps in an infinite chain reaction. What a lovely thought. As my daily random act, I try to greet people I see or meet. I see people all over the place regularly and I always say Hello or Good Morning or my favorite, Have a Blessed Day. A greeting and a smile could make another person’s day. I know it makes mine!

Finally, here is a new word to put in your vocabulary and in your heart. The word is empathy. Empathy means the art of putting yourself in another person’s position. It is the old “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” idea. It means being non-judgmental. Going back to the beginning words about love, just think about what we could mean to each other if we loved non- judgmentally.  Diversity, alternate lifestyles, economic disparity, and I could go on and on with things that separate us. How about things that we all have in common?

Skating Up Hill is about living a healthy lifestyle so what’s with all of this lecturing about “feel good” crap? Well, ok smart aleck, study after study has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that people who are emotionally healthy are much more physically healthy, live longer, and have a better quality of life. My mom always used to say to me and my brother before we left for school in the morning, “Now remember to be nice.” I am now saying that to you. Be kind. Be empathetic, and just be nice!  Love Judith

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Answers to questions about the differences in boxed frozen dinners!!

Boy, I got a big response with lots of questions about what to look for in boxed frozen dinners. As you know from your grocery shopping trips, the frozen dinner section is as long as the pizza section and the ice cream section. We all know what kind of pizza we like and our favorite flavor of ice cream, but those different brands and different types of boxed food are a far cry from the old days of the Swanson TV dinner. I would like to suggest just a couple of tips and some insight into selection of products from a health point of view and also from a nutrition standpoint.

First, not all boxed dinners are healthy and they do not pretend to be. Marie Callandar, Stauffer, and Michelangelo for example do not even attempt to join the “healthy” food packages. They have up to 30 grams of fat per serving and tons of not only lovely cheese, but hidden carbs and sodium. Yes, they taste really good!
On the other hand, products like the “Amy’s” line need to be watched. They are with the healthy selections and often have a high ratio of fat grams to protein-yes, they are generally high in protein. Many times they have carbs that are often derived from garbanzo beans or other types of healthy carbs. Nonetheless, do watch it especially if you are no or low carb.

Finally, the “advertised” brands-Weight Watchers, Lean cuisine, etc-All I can tell you is to read the labels just like you do for everything else. Look for fat grams and especially sodium. Sometimes these dinners will have 12 to 15 grams of fat and more than half of your daily sodium requirement. If you have more questions, please use my email or come on to the blog.

Update on Boxed Meals

Since we regularly discuss food prep and nutrition here at Skating Uphill, I would like to weigh in (Pun Definitely intended!) on the latest views and reviews on what can be delivered to your door.
In the first place, we all know that food delivered to your door cannot possibly be as fresh as something you buy at your local Farmer’s Market or really even what you buy and carefully select at your grocery store. That Having been said, some of the “to your door” dinners come pretty close. I do not mean Weight Watchers or Lean Cuisine of course, but dinners like Blue Apron come pretty close. The newest on the market by the way, is put out by Martha Stewart and is supposed to be the very best.
The idea is that you are delivered all of the ingredients for a meal. You can do the prep yourself so you can say that you actually “cooked” dinner and not really be lying. The convenience factor is that there is no shopping or chopping so to speak. In my opinion, you should try the offered samples before you commit to anything long term. Also, remember that the $$$$ is pretty steep. Let me know if you have any comments on any of these products that you have tried. Feedback Welcome.