Author Archives: Judith

About Judith

Judith is a retired Reading Resource Specialist with a Masters in Education. She is a published author and also a regular columnist with monthly articles in Pink Magazine and other publications. She and her husband Bill live on Hilton Head Island and, when not sailing their 36ft. yacht Serenity, they both volunteer at The Deep Well, Habitat for Humanity and the Boys and Girls Club on a regular basis. For many years they have also sponsored and produced a children's educational TV program called The Reading Room which is aired on WHHI each week and which is supported by their educational no-advertising web site,


The healthy eating plan known as NOOM categorizes foods as either RED, GREEN, or YELLOW. One is given varied amounts in each category depending on things like fiber, calories, fat, protein, etc. Green foods are almost unlimited, Yellow foods are allowed generously, and obviously the Red category is severely limited.

This is by no means a commercial for NOOM or any other plan for that matter, but I will say that if you can get a hold of one of their food charts, it will be of great interest. I think they have really nailed it when it comes to a healthy eating set up. I have successfully done NOOM and it worked for me to loose the weight I needed to loose, but on an ongoing basis it was too complicated. It was really good to know and make a habit though of keeping track of types of food eaten rather than calories or some other type of measurement.

So Much Beauty!

I know that it is expensive to send flowers, so how about just a grocery store bouquet once in a while to say “I Love You?” That sure does it for me.

Another beautiful thing to do for someone? Why not take a minute and send a card? I really enjoy something in the mail besides an advertisement or a bill, don’t you? Well, if you like it, maybe someone else would too. I often think of things that way. Anyway, my church friend Patty is the queen of sending really thoughtful cards, and she has got me doing it too. Maybe if YOU do it too, we will catch on.

Detox? Never!

This picture is blurry for a very good reason. I just finished reading an article in the July issue of Prevention magazine about all of the recent crazy Detox stuff that is going around. Supposedly, you can Detox any organ of your body, your whole body, cleanse your vagina, give your liver a good bath and on and on. Well, according to Prevention, which I have subscribed to and really loved for years, NO DETOX actually works. The best way to cleanse your body? Okay, you guessed it ahead of me: Your body actually has many tools to clean itself and your only job is to keep your organs and systems in good order and the way you do it is the same way we have all been told to keep ourselves healthy for a long time now. Eat fruits and veg, watch fats, watch sugar, eat fish and lean meats and I could go on and on. In fact, you could probably write this too.

PS-Did I mention to walk every day and keep a healthy weight? No? Well, you already knew that, right?

Yes, I really love to read. I especially love to read books in series. I read cozy mysteries, adventure stories, and stories set in “periods.” I am currently reading a series set in 1926 France and England. Joe Sandilands, the main character, is a WWI veteran as are so many in that time. He is a highly placed official in Scotland Yard who wants nothing more that to be free of solving murders and living with intrigue. There are 13 books and I am on 9. Yes, I have already ordered the rest of the set. Why not look on Amazon and see what is out there? Get hooked on books!

All Kinds of Lovely Stuff

This is my back yard. Sometimes my lawn doesn’t look the best, but I concentrate on the trees which are just fantastic. I LOVE trees and I have plenty. Oh, in the winter most of the trees loose their leaves where I live and I don’t like that, but just like a little miracle, they come back every Spring.

Color Is The NEW Thing!

I recently read in Better Homes and Gardens Magazine (Now called simply BHG) that color is the big new thing. Well, I am sorry, you guys, but I have been into that for as long as Alvin and the Chipmunks have had on their green, red and blue shirts. That’s quite a while too!

Anyway, the June edition of BHG has a big article on new uses for and new hues of COLOR! It’s really interesting and features a favorite of mine-Leanne Ford.

Eat This/Not That…Again!

So, Let’s Take The Kids To Burger King!

Sure, it is fine to go to Burger King, or any other fast food restaurant for that matter. All I’m saying is to watch it.

How about some helpful hints??

  1. Watch sauces. They heap on fat and calories. For example Burger King Zesty Onion Sauce has 150 calories and 15g of fat but the Sweet and Sour and the BBQ have only 40 calories and no fat. Big difference!
  2. Try having no cheese-Is it really cheese anyway, or a “cheese product.”
  3. Best meal for the kiddos? 4 piece chicken tenders, apple sauce, milk.
  4. Have you tried BK apple fries?
  5. Watch dessert and have a soft serve if you possibly can. A vanilla Oreo Sundae Shake at BK has 600 calories, 24 g of fat, and 78 (!) grams of sugar
  6. Try to plan in advance what you might order and talk it up with your little ones so they don’t expect to have fries, chocolate milk etc. Prep yourself on line!

New/Unexpected Life

The other day I was sent some of those flowers that are delivered to your porch in a box . When I took them out they were all sort of limp and faded. Oh, well, I thought. They have probably come a long ways over a long time and really, it’s the thought that counts, right? In fact it was the thought that counted. I cut off the bottom tips of the rose stems, put that powder stuff in the water, and in just a little while, look what happened!!

Ok, So yes, I love corn!

This is so easy I am almost ashamed to share!

Baked Corn (Corn Pudding if you are from the South)

2 cups corn kernels-you can shave off a cob or used canned or frozen

1 Tblsp flour 2 shakes of salt

3 Tblsp sugar 3/4 cp. milk (Skim milk is ok but not the best)

2 beaten eggs 1/4 cup butter or marg

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and pour into your blender. Blend for just a couple of pulses. Bake at 375 for about 45 minutes or until set in the middle. I like to use a glass pan and I grease it with marg. I have used metal and ceramic and glass is the best. Cut out and serve in squares. This is a super side dish with ham BTW.

I love sail boat life. Something about it is just good for the soul. It makes one really appreciate God’s gifts and it is an inspiration to work to preserve those gifts. Water, wind, clean air, birds, and just that way of life that brings quiet and peace.

Our boat is currently at Annapolis and we love it there! What a lovely spot!!