Women’s Groups

#Yes, We Can!  I know, I Know, we are pretty much hash tagged up these days, but I just wanted to have a word or two. I am not famous, not an actress, not a business woman trying to get ahead nor am I a single mom who has to keep her job no matter what. I have been in a field that has a low threat of sexual harassment and I have seldom been afraid of a man. I say seldom, not never.

The show of power lately among women has made me very proud of those who have come forward, but also fearful for them. I saw a woman on TV the other day who was one of the original Clinton accusers and she was intimidated, frightened, and yes, harassds repeatedly in both overt and covert ways the first of which was a job loss.

The rich and famous seem to simply go on. Meryl Streep “did not know” and many others say the same and get away with it. (#Eyes Closed, Ladies!)  Yet, they criticize  Ivanka Trump instead of championing her causes and respecting her courage. She praises Oprah and “they” again tear her to shreds. Boy, it is so difficult to even speak up with one’s opinion either way and that should NOT be. Where is our loyalty and understanding and compassion for the sisterhood?

Anyway, the purpose of this post is about a totally different empowerment of women. I am blessed to belong to a lovely Women’s Bible Study Group that meets monthly in members homes and let me tell you, we are our own tower of strength. We care for each other, trust each other, pray for each other and offer a place to simply vent when necessary. I could go on and on, but you tell me-do you belong to a group of women like this? If so, talk, or just think to your self,  a bit about its value to you.  Love, Judith

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