September Resolutions-Not January! (PINK Magazine, Sept. 2017)


“New Year’s Resolutions in January are so over done. Let’s start the real New Year, the School New Year” right with some REAL resolutions!”

The Uphill Skater


Everyone makes those same old same old resolutions every year and we have talked about this before, dear friends. Don’t say you will call your mother, write thank you notes, and lose 20 pounds EVER again. Promise me? As school starts, let us pretend that this new start for so many young people can actually be a new start for us too. It is never too late to be early-Okay, that is not as silly as it seems. How many times have you driven past a house with the Christmas lights up in May and laughed and said that they must be early? Have you ever not gotten to breakfast until it became brunch? When you party until 2:00 getting up at 11:00 is early-right???

All right, what can we healthy life style people actually do in September, that lovely Fall/Autumn time of the year that simply begs a different start? Stay tuned for three excellent (If I say so myself.) suggestions.

Every study I have read in the last I don’t know how many years has said that taking a class is good for your mind, heart, soul, health etc….In other words you should actually DO it. Keep your mind active as well as your body. Sure, do a jig saw or a cross word puzzle, but much better is some kind of a class where you actually interact with other people. The local Community College near me just sent out s brochure with classes ranging from Italian to ballroom dancing and tons of other lectures on a variety of subjects in between. Local high schools frequently offer evening classes, libraries and Senior Centers offer bridge, quilting, and in my local, they even offer tap dancing. Personally I love yoga so that is my fit. If you don’t want to go out or meet anyone new, take an on-line class. I recently learned to play Canasta. Okay, it is not neurosurgery, but it was quite a lot of fun.

Next, and yes, this is a repeat, move around a bit more. As I said, I do yoga and sometimes in a class, but more often, on the floor in my bedroom. I have a little TV on my dresser and I use DVD yoga classes and I am usually in my PJ’s. Walk, swim, go to any type of class or just clean house. House cleaning burns 100 calories every one half hour! Exercise classes and groups are everywhere mentioned above and even more places. You trip over them if you are not careful. I once did Silver Sneakers at a yacht club. It was taught by someone’s granddaughter who was visiting for the summer. We had a ball. Just be sure you don’t go out for lunch and ice cream after every class and don’t ask me how I know people do that.

Finally, I challenge you to do anything new. Yes, that is pretty broad, but think about it. Try a new food. Buy a new piece of clothing or (yes!) new shoes. Walk a new direction. Call an old friend or a new one. Go to a different church just once for a different take on your Sunday morning. Go to a movie you think you might not like. If you cook, try a new recipe. Just this week I went to a Farmer’s Market and picked my own blue berries and peaches and made a really wonderful ice cream topping. Paint a wall or wall paper an area. Refinish anything that is not moving around. Buy and read a new magazine. Read a book and share it with someone. Plant some bulbs. Make a pretty flower arrangement for your table. Yes, you can use grocery store flowers bought while you are shopping for that new recipe you are going to try. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Just try it once and see what happens. Let me know-go to and I will post your comments on the blog.

Finally, here is something I will really use to give you a challenge. Patch up an old quarrel. This is a tough one and I have had it on my heart to do it this month and I will make a real effort so I feel I can challenge you. Sit down and really thing and pray over what may have caused the estrangement in the first place and decide if that cause was really worth the pain. Someone smarter than me once said that hating someone is like you taking poison and expecting THEM to get sick. Bad feelings are toxic. Resolve something and feel better.

Try all of this and share results. Life is so valuable and precious. Health, both mental and physical, is of the utmost importance. If you don’t believe me, just ask someone who has neither.   Love, Judith

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